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forbiddenlove created a topic of Form of Broken Love

OKAY like has anyone read the latest raw chapter 48?
Because im super confused right now
Basically they had a fight and Gyuk (evil toxic male top) took Suyoungs ring and showed it to Yunho on purpose to make him hurt, and judged by his face, he took pleasure in it
Gyuk literally started choking Yunho like he chokes Soyoung and both Yunho and Gyuk were red/blushing? I dont know what was happening, but there was some kind of comparison or flashback where Soyoung gets choked by Gyuk, then it switches and shows Yunho getting choked by Gyuk and he has the same face as Soyoung when getting choked, and afterwards Gyuk was smirking and blushing too?!?
I ALSO HAD AUTO TRANSLATE ON (its horrible everyone ya‘ll know but i just needed to understand SOMETHING) and the translation stuff said things like „I should have satisfied you like Soyoung“ and that „Soyoung is only a substitute“ ??? WHAT IS GOING ONNN HELPPP, DONT TELL ME ITS GONNA BE GYUK X YUNHO NOW