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Hell February 24, 2021 8:28 pm

For how simple minded he appears basically all the time, Seungeon really got deep with the capitalism talk.

Hell December 28, 2019 11:13 pm

From the very beginning, I disliked Soo won. I never pitied him, and now as well I have no good feelings towards him. They can talk all they want about Kouka being in need of a better leader. Doesn't change the fact that he decided to murder the father of a girl he is at the very least implied to care about. The girl who by the way is the rightful heir to the throne. There hasn't been and won't be any forgiveness from me for his betrayal. Even interpreting his act as revenge doesn't work because he then had the nerve to chase Yona and Hak out of the palace, out of their home. I get that people find him interesting. Personally I just find him sad, and I don't see a good ending waiting for him. Realistically I believe he deserves prison, but I think in the end he'll just end up leaving or something. Whatever it is I hope his actions won't end up being justified in the story, that would be simply be an insult to Yona, her gang and all that they stand for. (Whatever happens just don't let anything bad come to the dragons please!!)
(Also, not so much trying to hate here, just got tired of people justifying his decisions for the past few years and thought I'd finally say what I think)

    LuluKillua December 31, 2019 1:00 am

    I agree most people think he's hot and everything but I hope it's true what some predict and he's sick, dies and gives the throne back to Yona ^^

    Kygnis January 3, 2020 6:45 pm

    Strongly agree. Everyone is justifying his decisions for the past few years like...What? Killing her father because he has his own reasons is okay? No man. That's not okay at all.

    Dani January 4, 2020 12:56 am

    I completely agree with you! If Yona’s father was such a terrible king and Soo-Won had almost everyone on his side then why couldn’t they take him prisoner instead of killing him? And when Yona walked in on him killing her father instead of locking her up they wanted her and Hak dead!
    No matter Soo-Won’s reasons, I don’t seen how we’re supposed to over look the fact that he was going to let Yona die to hide the truth. Though, it seems like everyone pretty much knows he killed the king and are cool with it. Sigh, I just can’t understand the justification for his actions.

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