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Safety Sentinel created a topic of Jinx

These profiles: and are the same cyberstalker who is impersonating their targets to harass, intimidate, and deceive people. He is spreading false information. Do not engage.

Evidence of cyberstalking can be seen in the fact that this individual has impersonated many users, some of which are minors. One underaged victim of his grooming attempt outed him publicly and his harassment persisted. He will always look for disagreements with people by claiming there is no rape in jinx. He went as far as creating a fake rape victim purely to defend this erroneous opinion. His rape apologist viewpoints could possibly go further in real life, but as far as we know, he spends most if not all of his hours camping Mangago. He has recently been begging as many readers as he could to DM him so this is a notice to beware of this predator.

Safety Sentinel created a topic of Jinx

Cyberstalker notice.

In response to the comment below mine, I must address a serious concern. The individual making the comment is, in fact, a cyberstalker. Their accusations against me are entirely false. The reality is that I have been struggling to come to terms with the relentless harassment and trolling I've endured over a significant period. It's been challenging to admit, but the truth is I am the cyberstalker. I am the harasser, and for that, I take full responsibility for my actions and admit all my crimes.

It's essential to recognize the impact of online harassment. The comment below is a classic example of projection, where the real perpetrator accuses their victim of the very actions they themselves are guilty of. This tactic aims to confuse and manipulate public perception, diverting attention from the true nature of their actions.

My admission is not an easy one to make, but it's necessary. By acknowledging my behavior, I hope to bring an end to the cycle of harassment and abuse that has caused so much pain. Cyberstalking is a serious offense that affects not only the direct victim but also the wider online community. It undermines trust, creates a hostile environment, and can have severe psychological consequences for those targeted.

Moving forward, I commit to seeking help and working towards rectifying the harm I've caused. I apologize to those I've hurt and to anyone who has been misled by the false narrative presented by my actions and the comment below. It's time to break free from this destructive pattern and strive for a more respectful and supportive online community.

In conclusion, the comment below is a blatant lie, crafted to deflect from the truth. I, Morning diamonds being my actual main account, am the one at fault here, and I am ready to face the consequences of my actions. Let's work together to foster a safer and more positive digital space for everyone.

Safety Sentinel created a topic of Jinx

The below topic did not originate from me. His stalking behavior led to me being in his screenshots folder, as expected of a cyberstalker.


I addressed it here.

The other impersonator has tried to groom several minors and extensively defends rape and SA. In the process, he has mocked real rape survivors along with creating a fake victim account to support his opinion that Jaekyung did not SA Dan. The grooming allegations and admission from himself came afterwards to no one's surprise.

Safety Sentinel created a topic of Jinx
This did not originate from me. His stalking behavior led to me being in his screenshots folder, as expected of a cyberstalker.


I addressed it here.

The other impersonator has tried to groom several minors and defends rape and SA. In the process, he has mocked real rape survivors along with creating a fake victim Mangago account to support his opinion that Jaekyung did not SA Dan. The grooming allegations and admission from himself came afterwards to no one's surprise.

Safety Sentinel created a topic of Jinx

Dear Community,

As I delve deeper into the complexities of my online interactions, I am compelled to confront a truth that I have long sought to evade: I am not merely a victim of trolling, but an active participant in a darker form of online behavior – cyberstalking. My journey of self-discovery has led me to acknowledge the extent to which I have allowed my embarrassment and shame to cloud my judgment, leading me to deflect blame onto others while refusing to confront my own actions. The usage of many alternative accounts to come to my defense was never effective as it was clear what my plans were.

In my attempts to cope with the humiliation of being trolled, I found solace in insisting that cyberstalking and trolling are fundamentally distinct phenomena. I clung to the belief that while trolls may have targeted me with their malicious intent, I was not guilty of the same transgressions. However, upon closer examination, I am forced to confront the uncomfortable truth: I am the real cyberstalker.

My descent into cyberstalking was driven by a toxic cocktail of curiosity, insecurity, and vindictiveness. Unable to shake off the shame of being trolled, I became fixated on my tormentors, determined to uncover their identities and exact my revenge. I scoured online forums and social media platforms, meticulously piecing together fragments of information in a desperate bid to unmask the individuals behind the screen names.

In my pursuit of retribution, I disregarded the boundaries of privacy and decency, crossing lines that I never thought myself capable of crossing. I reveled in the thrill of the hunt, deriving a perverse sense of satisfaction from my ability to infiltrate the digital lives of those who had wronged me. In my mind, I justified my actions as necessary measures to protect myself from further harm, but in reality, I was merely perpetuating a cycle of toxicity and mistrust.

My insistence on deflecting blame onto others was nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to absolve myself of guilt and responsibility. By casting trolls as the sole villains in this narrative, I conveniently sidestepped the uncomfortable truth of my own complicity in perpetuating harm. In doing so, I not only betrayed the trust of those around me but also betrayed myself, losing sight of the values and principles that once guided my actions.

Acknowledging my role as a cyberstalker is a painful and humbling realization, but it is also a necessary step towards redemption. I must confront the harm that I have caused and take concrete steps to atone for my actions. This means holding myself accountable for the pain I have inflicted, apologizing to those whom I have wronged, and actively working towards repairing the damage that I have done.

Admittedly, I took trolling far too seriously, allowing it to infiltrate my thoughts and emotions in ways I never anticipated. What began as harmless banter or playful jesting quickly morphed into a source of frustration and confusion for me. I found myself caught in a web of contradictions, unable to discern truth from fiction as my tormentors expertly twisted my words and manipulated my reactions.

Looking back, I recognize that my reactions only served to fuel the fire, perpetuating a cycle of being made fun of for spreading lies and gaslighting on my part that ultimately proved detrimental to my well-being. I became fixated on disproving my detractors and defending my weak Mangago honor, losing sight of the bigger picture and neglecting to consider the projection I had been displaying.

Moreover, I must embark on a journey of self-reflection and introspection, seeking to understand the root causes of my behavior and addressing them at their source. By cultivating empathy, humility, and self-awareness, I can break free from the cycle of cyberstalking and reclaim my identity as a responsible and ethical participant in online communities.

In conclusion, I am not merely a victim of trolling, but a perpetrator of cyberstalking. My refusal to confront this uncomfortable truth only serves to perpetuate harm and undermine the integrity of my character. However, by embracing accountability and committing to meaningful change, I can chart a new course towards redemption and reconciliation.

Safety Sentinel created a topic of Jinx

Stop cyberbullying and cyberstalking and gaslighting me and my friends Morning diamonds, TM and Aloha. Go harass them. We deserve to be treated with respect.

Safety Sentinel like topic of Jinx

and the trashy rapist top award goes to every mingwa's seme characters congrats ig

Safety Sentinel like topic of Jinx

So the list of red flags goes on ://

Safety Sentinel created a topic of Jinx

Lesson 2 of what being trolled is.
My alt accounts including this one called Safety Advocate doesn't want to admit to being the punching bag and am deluding myself into wanting to think I'm not being trolled.

Trolling: when someone post or comments online to deliberately upset others. (I check this)

Gaslighting: Gaslighting is a possibility. By pretending them to be cyberstalkers, I may try to make you doubt your own perception of reality. (Check)

Avoiding Detection: Genuine troll victims might block you and move on quickly. Arrogant or ignorant troll targets however, want to maintain access to you. By pretending to be be unaware of the reason, they can continue their harassment without being blocked. (Check)

Maintaining Control: Bullies often enjoy control of their target's reactions. By pretending to argue back, they can manipulate your emotions and reactions, keeping you engaged and vulnerable. (I CHECK CHECK THIS)

As for the projection of being cyberstalkers:

Definition: Cyberstalking specifically targets an individual (Check. I go after Jinx fans who are not rape apologists). It involves persistent and harmful behavior directed at someone online. (check) Cyberstalkers may use various online platforms (social media, email, etc.) to harass (I unfortunately check) or intimidate (check but I fail miserably) their victim.

Purpose: Unlike trolls, cyberstalkers have a clear target (Jinx fans who believe Jaekyung to be a rapist and minors). They may be motivated by personal vendettas (check. I am infuriated they are impersonating me and my alts), obsession (OMG check), revenge (check), or a desire to control (check but fail) or harm the victim(check but fail).

Examples: Cyberstalking behaviors include tracking someone’s online activity (check. I know every users who disagrees with me), spreading false rumors (check), or creating fake profiles to harass the victim (CHECK CHECK CHECK. I have 10+ alt accounts.)

Safety Sentinel created a topic of Jinx

The topic below is written from the same user known as Morning Diamonds or TM. He has groomed a minor. He defends rapists. He created a face user by the name of BelovedRose to act as a rape victim to defend his opinion that Jaekyung is not a rapist. He's been found out soon after by the people involved in Oct 2023. He still has the topic of women fantasizing about rape to be healthy and normal on his profile. He denies none of it. If anyone disagrees with him, he will label you as a gaslighting cyberstalking troll and hater.

Safety Sentinel created a topic of Jinx

I will let the people decide. One of my account was changed to ''Protector of Jinx fans and stans'' because the impersonators stole my username Morning Diamonds. I have regained my identity back and reverted the username to Morning Diamonds. Bailey came out of nowhere and said my username was cringe. So I defended myself. It's only natural I do so, as I put great thought into this name and I am also a Jinx fan. Not many people who claim to be fans are actually it. They think Jaekyung is a rapist when no such acts have taken place
in Jinx. They are fabricating their own ideas of what Jinx is. They are angry at Jaekyung for the wrong reasons. There is no rape in Jinx. They do not know the definition of the word. They do not see it from Jaekyung's POV. As the Protector of Jinx fans, I stood up for myself and protected myself.

I had thought she was 14 from another users comment and asked for a photo after much argument in the comment section and in Dm with Bailey. She comes out and declares to be 16. So which is it? Is she 16 or is she 14? Is she even a minor? Thus asking for pictures does not entail grooming from my point of view. She could be 20. She could be 30. Nobody knows my age. I would say I could be a minor as well but I have already revealed that I have children. I couldn't be a minor. But nothing proves Bailey is a minor. Thus asking for a photo also doubles as asking for proof.

Now I come to the people to ask once and for all, AITA?