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dea mortua April 20, 2021 9:01 am

Looking for a old lehzin comic comic that they took of the original site but its about a misunderstanding between a small weak black haired male and huge blondish guy who doesnt speak much, instigated by a red-ish haired guy, that leads to a rather forceful relationship that makes the blonde guy think the weak black haired guy think he told everyone that the blonde likes the redhead (even tho hes fucking the black haired guy) when it was a darkskinned male named kisung (?)(misspelt) who spread the rumor. The blackhaired guy finds out and makes the big guy promise yo tell the truth and goes homes thinking the blonde can be with the redhead but the redhead says you know who you really love and the blonde goes to thw very sick blackhaired guy and apologizes and everything is magically better

Follows with short side stories about the redhead and the darkskinned guy and then the "straight" boy with a older rich guy he had a threesome with when high(lives with a little blonde bottom)

dea mortua October 16, 2020 3:20 am

A Japanese actor is on an expedition to find spots for his upcoming film when he gets separated from the group and i believe attacked by a wild animal until he is saved by a tall dark and handsome native who doesn't speak his language. As the two interact they begin to fall in love but the seme doesn't know about sex between males so the uke shows him the joys of gay sex and end up unintentionally teaching other gay couples of the tribe when the uke is spied on another uke he befriended. Eventually the uke's film crew finds him and he sorrowful goes back to Japan to star in a movie spurred by media coverage, until a year later, upon the completion of his film he quits the movie business and goes by to his lover and his tribe

dea mortua October 16, 2020 3:12 am

so this about a small weak type uke who falls in love with an intimidating beast like seme who goes the ukes private school's rival full of punks and wannabe gansters. The couple is kept apart by the private schools student council who hires punks from the rival school to beat up the beastly seme in an effort to keep them apart. The uke tames the beast like seme by feeding him food through the fence that separates to two rivak schools.

dea mortua October 7, 2020 9:00 pm

Can't remember the title but its about the two kings of goukon who, after being set up by the clubs vice president with undesirable girls at a goukon, decide to instead go to a hotel with each other. The uke ends up falling in love with the seme, but the seme onky sleeps with the uke when he cant find a girl he likes, so the uke tells him off and meets with another guy who, unable to do anything with, he becomes friends and confides in, however the seme seeing him with the other guy passes off the seme and he tries to force the uke but is physically refuted. The seme realizes he like the uke and that the uke likes him and after getting down on his knees and apologizing, they both kiss and dance together at their clubs prom. Suoer cliche but I can't remember the title and would enjoy being able to read it again.

dea mortua June 27, 2020 8:03 am

Ok so this one runs in the bara category. a friend asked me if there were any manga with bears in them(not the animals) and this one manga about 6 dudes, 3 couples who hold bdsm parties together switching partners between the group and playing games that determine who is gonna do what and what is going to happen. Theres a football player in the group who gets injured and isn't allowed to play and one of the couples decides to get married partway through. One member of the group has trauma regarding topping so he usually bottoms but one day he sees his partner in a certain situation and he gets it up enough he can finally top his lover. The smallest character in the book is named charlie

dea mortua June 26, 2020 12:14 am

So i don't remember many details but it's not necessarily the most unique storyline. Young Male gets lost in the wilderness and is found by a dark skinned Male who eventually ends up typing him. I believe the uke was small, very clearly a more feminine uke, not portrayed as being very bright, and had dark hair(maybe) it's at least a year old. Sorry for the lack of detail

I remembered more details. The uke was traveling through the jungle to a shoot because hes an actor but Greta lost and left behind. The seme ends up finding him and after being kidnapped by a rival tribe sleeps with the seme. They fall in love but the uke eventually has to return to Japan to continue his acting career until the seme comes to Japan after having learned the language to take the uke back, where after they all live happily ever after back in the jungle

dea mortua January 21, 2020 7:56 am

4 boys who think BL is the answer to getting into girls skirts ie losing their virginity. Only one character ever gets screwed of the 4 and it's by a weird bug loving dude. The uke gets screwed as a example in front of his friends as the reference different BL scenarios

dea mortua January 12, 2020 7:34 pm

Yaoi manga.
The mc uke has a stomach on his first day at a new school due to his not wanting to stand out but not having his uniform and standing out anyways so he goes to the nurses office and tries to sleep it off when the seme comes in and picks him up and takes him up to a stairwell where no one goes, where the mc gets fucked. The main character ends up continuously freaking out the whole manga, getting fucked every now and then by the seme, until the mc decides he does love the seme and the seme tries to relive their first meeting and the seme tells the mc he loves him. The different sex scenes take place in the stairwell, a classroom during a school pe meet, and no sex in the nurses office. The seme has a reputation for eating up anyone and anything he wants.

    dea mortua January 12, 2020 10:13 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Gwi ❤

    That's the one. Thank ya hun

dea mortua November 16, 2019 8:34 am

So, on to the next mood manga. I've recently been thinking about a teenager who dies his hair blond and gets sprays tans to look darker. He gets into trouble with some bad ppl when he smashes into the back of their car because he's too busy staring at some chicks boobs. In order to make the money owed, he meets this really muss-y dude and unwilling performs various acts to get the money he needs, however he leaves before the seme comes back with the money, thinking he was stiffed. The seme pays off the men and hints down the boy and the uke learns the muss-y dude is actually the president of a small company/bar. The Uke ends up getting screwed in a bunny costume because he again needs money for his friends bike and as a way to apologize for upsetting an unwanted guest at the bar. After that his house burns down and he ends up living with the seme until he gets hit by a car and the seme tells him he doesn't want him, which after hearing, he moves to the countryside devastated. Few months later or something the seme comes to the country side, says he changed his mind, and they both happily and quietly fuck in his mums house.

So... now that I've written an essay, does anyone know what manga it is?

dea mortua October 29, 2019 8:45 am

So my memory is fuzzy and I've always been horrid with names but could someone please help me find this one story that will just not leave me alone? The storyline goes like this: the uke is dating this guy that he really loves but is someone who refuses to the sleep with the uke and as time goes by the uke starts to lose faith that his bf loves him and wanders off or goes somewhere or something that results in him getting gangraped by a bunch of ppl that I believe he knows. So he's headed towards his bfs house debating whether or not he should show himself in that state when his bf and a friend come up behind him. The bf sees him in his fucked up disheveled state and takes him inside and takes care of the uke while the uke begs him to hold him, which the seme still refuses. Eventually the uke falls asleep only to wake up alone because the bf is off beating up the dudes who raped the uke, but the uke construes as his bf seeing him as too dirty to love so he goes off to commit suicide by drowning at the sea because he always took comfort in it. His bf, coming back to an empty apartment, realizes what the uke is planning and rushes off to find the uke, rescuing him in the nick of time before they go back to the bfs place and the bf finally tells him why he wouldnt hold him before finally hold him after the uke calms down from a huge mental breakdown.

Sorry about the long message but I'm hoping to find this exact manga. Itsbhard to find something with a realistic reaction and thought process in such horrid conditions.

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