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J Unleashed created a topic of Shutline

Damn. Uncensored Shutline might be the end of me. But what a way to go!

Thanks, Ju

J Unleashed created a topic of Shutline

Does anyone know if there's plans to publish hardcopies of Shutline in English, like they did in Korean? Because I'd be all over that!

J Unleashed created a topic of Jinx

This place is teeming with masochists! Not just the readers of this manhwa, but also this comment section. Not that I'm kink shaming... if that's what flips your lid, y'all have at it.

My fun is in no longer following Jinx, but just coming here after the releases and trying to figure out what's happening in the story. Mostly I see stuff like, "Dan's going to get blamed again and Jaekyung will take it out on him." Like, almost every week. And it sounds like Granny's now "MOSTLY dead", but not "all dead". Which means she is "slightly alive"

J Unleashed created a topic of Finder

Looking for the old any Finder veterans from this site. You know who you are. Back when this comment section was just as chaotic as the current super popular Korean one on this site.

Damn. They really took the bite out of Asami, didn't they? Guess he's the new and improved Asami2.0?