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Pmjriot created a topic of Corrosive

Yeah no. Some aspects seem interesting but does it really need to have rape?

Hmm I’m not convinced the lady friend wants Misaki like that. I think she just wants to steer Misaki away from the ex-student, or just wants Misaki to be happy in general. Lady friend had no problems with letting Misaki connect with the roommate. She happily stepped aside.

Pmjriot created a topic of Backlight

I just reeeaaaalllllyyyy don’t like the blonde dude. He has zero redeeming qualities as of yet.

Pmjriot created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

Oh lord now the rapist is back. This story should just end. There’s literally no viable option for this boy other than to RUN AWAY FROM EVERYONE.

Pmjriot created a topic of Mad Dog

The small detail of his watch being on his wrist while he does filthy things is *chef’s kiss*

Pmjriot created a topic of Jueun

I’m ashamed I even made it this far. Officially dropping even though the art is nice.

Aggressively poly-boy needs to let Misaki live her life on her own. Being poly can be a beautiful partnership but that boy was way too manipulative and forceful in the beginning. And Misaki is so goofy for asking him to stay. She’s just afraid of being alone.

This kinda reminds me of something I went through with a friend. They were caught in an abusive cycle and all I could really do for them was be a shoulder to cry on since they weren’t ready to confront their situation. So I get woo being stuck, especially when it’s his father. But I hope he eventually cuts his father off and not for his lover, but for himself. He deserves peace and he’s gotta want that for himself before anything can change.

Pmjriot created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

I like how they acknowledge how fucking crazy that boy is. But the admins need to remove the “Romance” tag from this story. There’s nothing romantic about it, it’s mainly a physiological thriller. I just hope Sooyoung escapes.

Pmjriot created a topic of December

I’m still stuck on “get that bitch”. Like why are you so disrespectful and evil? Leave the omega alone

Pmjriot created a topic of Neighbor's Rice Cake

I could not get past the first chapter, the secondhand embarrassment was too strong lol

Pmjriot created a topic of Arpeggio on Sea Surface

He was a kid so I’m going to assume his strict ass parents moved the family after the incident to avoid a scandal. Also, I’ve been thinking this for a while but how does hyung pay for things? Where’s his money coming from??? He has no job so are his parents still supporting him? Lol

Pmjriot created a topic of The Abyss

Yikes, domestic violence. They need to take the Romance tag off of this story. It’s not romance, it’s a psychological thriller.

Oh lord, please leave Diachi out of this mess. They don’t need to drag more people into their dysfunction.

Pmjriot created a topic of Someone Like You

Wait am I missing something? When did they start showing the sex? Lol

Pmjriot created a topic of Gig of the Day

Lol you know this sweet man has to work a lot of jobs to take care of himself, why are you fucking him all night long? Poor thing so damn tired he got a nose bleed.

Pmjriot created a topic of Afterglow

Great, now I’m anxious. Beautiful artwork and storytelling so far.

Pmjriot created a topic of Be, Be

I can’t get passed the pointy ass chins.

Pmjriot created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

Sigh, this is why obsessive love never works. You end up destroying your obsession in the process. That boy now has no friends or anyone else to rely on.