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Safety Advocate May 1, 2024 2:42 am

Lesson 1 what a troll and cyberstalker is. The cyberstalkers who are harassing us here pretend to be trolls or they don't know the difference.

In academic literature, trolling refers to acting in deceptive, disruptive, and destructive ways in internet social settings with no apparent purpose. On the other hand, cyberstalking involves using the internet to repeatedly target a specific person (Check) in a way that causes them distress or fear (they wished), reflecting descriptions of offline stalking. Let me elaborate further:

Definition: Trolling typically involves engaging in online behavior that is intentionally provocative, inflammatory, or disruptive. Trolls often post offensive or controversial content to provoke emotional reactions from others.

Purpose: Unlike cyberstalkers, trolls don’t necessarily have a specific target or purpose. (Unlike here) Their actions may not be directed at any particular individual but are meant to create chaos, annoyance, or amusement. (unlike here)

Examples: Trolls might leave offensive comments on social media posts, derail discussions, or deliberately spread misinformation. (hmm)

Definition: Cyberstalking specifically targets an individual (Check). It involves persistent and harmful behavior directed at someone online. (check) Cyberstalkers may use various online platforms (social media, email, etc.) to harass (check) or intimidate (check) their victim.

Purpose: Unlike trolls, cyberstalkers have a clear target (MD, oh where is MD. You are MD, You are MD. Check). They may be motivated by personal vendettas (check), obsession (OMG check), revenge (check), or a desire to control (check) or harm the victim(check).

Examples: Cyberstalking behaviors include tracking someone’s online activity (check), spreading false rumors (check), or creating fake profiles to harass the victim (CHECK CHECK CHECK)

They are not trolls. They are cyberstalkers. When you know they are cyberstalkers or trolls, they don't get to you and they pretend to get us because they is what they desire and they believe they get from twisting our replies. They have failed. They are going nowhere. They keep claiming to be trolls and when you know what trolling means you are not effected by them because they are saying they are hurting and have miserable lives or sadistic.

Why are they pretending to be trolls....
There could be several reasons why cyberstalkers pretend to be trolls:

Gaslighting: Gaslighting is a possibility. By pretending to be trolls, they may try to make you doubt your own perception of reality.

Avoiding Detection: Genuine trolls might block you and move on quickly. Cyberstalkers, however, want to maintain access to you. By pretending to be trolls, they can continue their harassment without being blocked.

Maintaining Control: Cyberstalkers often seek control over their victims. By pretending to be trolls, they can manipulate your emotions and reactions, keeping you engaged and vulnerable.

They are wasting their time with people that understand what they are and what they are doing.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 1, 2024 3:53 am

    This comment is like 95% from a source.
    Like 5% is from Safety Advocate.
    It is a clear message. If you don’t understand it you either trolling or a non-English speaker who is just starting to learn English.
    Just wanted to make it clear bc an insult and how it was specifically aimed at SA with an over exaggerated about SA. It is just sus.
    If it is only from seeing this comment. They can’t claim that. But making us sound confusing is a common narrative of the cyberstalkers/ bullies.

    If that is them, they tried to harm SA before any interaction when SA is clear. So seeking another fight to degrade us and make us look like the villain when we are the target of the villains.

    I love how they give themselves away from the
    insults they use while trying to pretend they are new. “New” people are brought in to have more “numbers”.

Safety Advocate April 30, 2024 11:01 pm

Basically, a few people need to take accountability for their actions. They got mad that Morning Diamonds called them out on their behavior and proved them wrong. They harassed him. They have created accounts to impersonate their targets. There is one impersonating me.

When that failed they tried to frame one with their sockpuppet, Baileybot. They have admitted to that. Moreover, the real one never revealed his age and when they started impersonating him they made him a minor until they fabricate this exposed lie that baileybot continues to spread due to her hatred and being threatened by the real MD.

The real mornings never emailed the sock puppet. Now they are running with exposed lies to try to damage the real one rep as they hate him that much. They are threatened by him and trying to force him off here with lies.

They are responsible for their behavior and they cannot simply blame others or harass others for their problems. Their dishonesty has consequences and they are trying to alienate people. They need to learn empathy and learn when they have lost. Not many of their targets are willing to continue this harassment on them.
The cyberstalkers have taken on full-time jobs to harass us and stalk us. They have impersonated Mornings for months. Who does that? Who fabricates stories and try to frame someone? They have pushed too hard and are desperate.
The cyberstalkers who can't take accountability for their behavior are harassing a few people because they were proven wrong and called out on their behavior. They blame their targets for their own actions and they can't move on from the past.
Now they will make posts to gaslight others instead of taking accountability for their behaviors that caused this. What they are doing is wrong. Their actions have consequences. Their dishonesty and fabrications are wrong. Them using their friends and other alts to back them up on lies while pretending to be new is wrong and sad.

    Safety Advocate April 30, 2024 11:33 pm

    This topic is one of the cyberstalkers using an alt account.
    The get a job is overused. Calling me a lapdog and fuck out of comments showed some hatred over someone they should not know. They asked what was happening and who believes the first comment when there are conflicting stories. Who believes gaslighting? One of them that topic was a trap and for the to spread the lies.

    goofy lapdog? If they only know what was fed to them why are the saying that? And they said I had too much time on my hands when they had conflicting stories and don't know the truth. That was a red flag.

    They easily the gaslight "Mr. making ATL accounts" Why pretend to be new if you are going expose yourself? Haha. I never have said my gender and Cooldude made me a guy because their main target is male and they believe I am him. Then they pretend I am not talking to them. Trolling tactics. Trap comment, this is what they do all the time. Because they can't talk to us. This is the moments they get a direct response from us. They are that desperate for morning diamonds attention. That is why everyone is him.

    Cooldude should not know me but already thinks I am jobless. Another red flag. And falsely accuses me that I am harassing Baileybot when that was not even said in baileybots comment. That is fit to Baileybot's narrative. Again why pretend not to know what is going on if you are going to do things that expose you. Making Baileybot 14 again and when she says she is 16. They keep changing the narrative to only insult their target with lame petty insults.
    Me being mad is a common claim by them and they have called us losers many times. when that fits them. Cooddude7766 is most likely Baileybot and not new to this as they pretend to be. They mean they are mad and they are losers that needs to go touch grass. And keeping with the gaslighting is a red flag. I had nothing to do with the cyberstalker Baileybot for over a month. She can't leave us alone. She is craving our attention. It is telling how Cooldude7766 is going with a lie and saying that is part of Baileybot's narrative when Baileybot did not share that information here. lol This is why they are impersonating us and setting topics like that. They want to insult their targets with the lies the come up with. They are that pathetic and want to feel superior over someone. They want the fight but no one is willing to gave it to them. Cooldude came off with too much anger to be someone new.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 1, 2024 12:45 am

    They are being stupid and believe he is easily trolled. When they are not trolls and pushing so hard to try to get him. They have read issues if they think it is working or if anyone of their targets are mad. They are fuming. It is funny.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 1, 2024 12:49 am

    “only a hypersensitive gem like him could be trolled effortlessly after 3 months”

    Hahahahahaha. Love the projection. They keep proving they are hypersensitive and seriously? Effortlessly? Hahaha Bull fucking shit. Look it was another left turn.

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Please look at my albums. 

 Edited: 5/1/2024

Cyberstalker impersonator 1

*Profile  #1  impersonating "I love morning Diamonds aka me"

*Profile #2 impersonating Aloha.

*Profile #3 impersonating me

Cyberstalker Impersonator  2

(Note: Cyberstalker Impersonator 1 confirmed this account was the sockpuppet of Cyberstalker Impersonator #2.)

*Sock puppet

This sockpuppet account is either Cyberstalker 1 or 2

Cyberstalker Impersonator 3
* profile #1

*profile #2

Cyberstalker Impersonator 4

Allies of the cyberstalker or an alt of the cyberstalkers. 

(I think I will create albums to support this section. )

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