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Shizrnes created a topic of Sugar Girl Drip

that was not "sugar girl" at all but alright I'll keep reading

The story is cute, the characters and dialogue are sweet. I find the plot itself is unsuited for the art style, however. I feel like all the women look like children, or at the very least underage - I don’t get the sense of maturity from people that look like schoolgirls, especially since in the past they look exactly the same (except for different hairstyles). For that reason the sexual aspect makes me feel a little uncomfortable. I totally understand that’s the authors art style, but I feel there’s a certain difference between having cutesy adult characters and adult characters that just look like children. I like it apart from that, but don’t think I’ll be able to look past the things I don’t like so much.

Shizrnes created a topic of Beast Knights

Ok so I'm at ch 14 and Synne is basically a groomer... don't know about this one chief

Shizrnes created a topic of Anything! Okay

yeah that stalker guy in ep 3 has to either be the annoying sunbae or a new character