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famionline created a topic of Ruri Dragon

chapter 13 up, chapter 14 will come out in 2 weeks so i assume ruridragon is gonna be on a biweekly schedule now!

i love this chapter, hope you guys do too :3 maeda is so cute

famionline created a topic of Kyokuto Necromance

reminiscent of persona, interested to see more ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

famionline created a topic of Ruri Dragon

chapter 12 released today on the 21st, not the 22nd like i thought. so ruridragon has moved to sunday releases it seems. also, chapter 13 will release in 3 weeks, i'm not sure if it has a consistent schedule at the moment

but yeah, hope you all enjoy chapter 12!

famionline created a topic of Ruri Dragon

hey friends, chapter 11 is currently waiting for approval. wanted to let you guys know that chapter 12 is set to release in late April, I believe the 22nd? but yeah, happy reading ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶