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I am gonna let this one marinate cause I feel our little baby is gonna cause an uproar

Luffyyy created a topic of The Path Of Star

11 chapters in...i am so confused with who is whoo

Luffyyy created a topic of Someone Like You

They be each others ideal types go on to date around with the exact similar types but are still terrified to communicate

Luffyyy created a topic of I Will Change The Genre

Its called cricket but played half like baseballl huhh

I think all these names make sense if you know history, otherwise this is like every new name feels like a random side quest

Luffyyy created a topic of I Will Change The Genre

Have they revealed judith is not luca's mom till now?

I thought we solved the younger brothers worries, now we are gonna bring it up again

Mujin bro calm down..tho the last panel he looked so finee.
The reveal was so anticlimatic tho after dragging it out so much...give me dramaaa

I am glad 3 chapters got posted together, the pacing kinda slow on this one

Luffyyy created a topic of Kamisama no Uroko

Is the plot unfinished here? Idk i want to start but...

Luffyyy created a topic of The Player Hides His Past

When is the next update...its been 2 weekss, i cant waitt

Did it just end there WOW
The only reason i dont like the sister is that moments of all the characters interacting are reduced cause of her. She has nothing new going for her and is just as annoying as all the sisters in other comics

I want that lumos family head to be beaten so bad he cant see his own face, just cause he couldnt keep his d*ck in place, he is blaming Flora. The audacity of this man to think he is so great. *ptooh

The mc looked kinda cute before and muscled enough, now he looks like an actual drawing going to fly with the wind

Why is every manhwa getting an art change with the new season. Tho cant go along with the change here, everybody looks kinda weird compared to the previous art

Luffyyy created a topic of How to Live as a Villain

The past few chapters have been trying to decode if is he lying or is it the truth

I want to read it but the summary doesnt give me any it horror, action?
Also is it a good read like comedic or crazy or what kind is it?