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Bigbadteddy February 9, 2020 3:08 am

We can't even see them KISS???! Why cockblockery bs is this?

Bigbadteddy January 31, 2019 3:42 pm

omfg I love it so much I could die. If these boys don't get their happy ending Imma punch someone.

Bigbadteddy January 29, 2019 3:28 pm

It's HAPPENING!! AAAH!! It's gonna be so hot! I need the next Chapter NOW~

Bigbadteddy January 7, 2019 7:31 am

I don't understand the ending...

    Penguins_Lover January 7, 2019 7:42 am

    I just don't know what " not for the faint of heart means" i feel a little slow(~_~;)

    Kitkat842001 January 7, 2019 8:19 am

    His mother of the ghost never pulled the plug on him seeming he slipped into a computer and didn't want to give up on him so when the mc gets hurts he meets the mom handling the difficult decision to keep him alive she does and after those three years have passed he woke up and went to the amusement park during the last scene saying when I meet you again I'll talk to you (the ghost) means he never really died and the reason it was titled that way not for the faint of heart means the mc really thought he died but in reality was in a comma and maybe couldn't even believe it was a possibility so that's what I think the ending means and why they started talking with each other

    Kitkat842001 January 7, 2019 8:20 am

    His mother of the ghost never pulled the plug on him seeming he slipped into a computer and didn't want to give up on him so when the mc gets hurts he meets the mom handling the difficult decision to keep him alive she does and after those three years have passed he woke up and went to the amusement park during the last scene saying when I meet you again I'll talk to you (the ghost) means he never really died and the reason it was titled that way not for the faint of heart means the mc really thought he died but in reality was in a comma and maybe couldn't even believe it was a possibility so that's what I think the ending means and why they started talking with each other ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Vityourass January 7, 2019 8:31 am
    I just don't know what " not for the faint of heart means" i feel a little slow(~_~;) Penguins_Lover

    By context, i think it means something like "not for sensitive people" (as people who have cardiac illnesses or have a “delicate/faint“ heart tend to get worse with thrills). Kinda like in horror movies or thrill rides, it's a disclaimer.

    Bigbadteddy January 7, 2019 2:58 pm
    His mother of the ghost never pulled the plug on him seeming he slipped into a computer and didn't want to give up on him so when the mc gets hurts he meets the mom handling the difficult decision to keep him a... Kitkat842001

    Then what was all that talk about Reincarnation??

    Penguins_Lover January 8, 2019 2:22 am
    His mother of the ghost never pulled the plug on him seeming he slipped into a computer and didn't want to give up on him so when the mc gets hurts he meets the mom handling the difficult decision to keep him a... Kitkat842001

    Thx this help out very much I wish they had a more complete ending ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Ria Iwamura January 8, 2019 5:32 pm
    Then what was all that talk about Reincarnation?? Bigbadteddy

    Well, he (the ghost) thought he was going to die since you know, his condition is really frail. But thankfully, we didn't need that reincarnation crap because he's still alive ┗( T﹏T )┛

Bigbadteddy November 9, 2018 3:25 pm

HE SO DID NOT DESERVE TO HUG THAT BABY! Seriously, just one of the worst characters I have ever seen in a manga/comic/ect. Just so unlikeable. He is just the worst.

    DREAMGIRLFRIEND November 9, 2018 4:14 pm

    I have to disagree. He was born and raised to think himself as an alpha to suddenly realise he can give life is wierd not to mention he can't live a normal life just because no one respects omegas. He was t selfish is just that the bond they made cant separate them just like the news explained they cant live without eachother wven if their love isnt to the fullest.

    Bigbadteddy November 10, 2018 1:21 am

    That does not excuse his shitty behavior. Going so far as to "I'm just gonna fuck any ole guy now because why not" Seriously, the worst.

    DREAMGIRLFRIEND November 10, 2018 3:19 am
    That does not excuse his shitty behavior. Going so far as to "I'm just gonna fuck any ole guy now because why not" Seriously, the worst. Bigbadteddy

    What shitty behavior..? I mean really. He already knew he f-up . He has no money and not even the face to go back. HE LITERALLY HAD nothing left. Do I need to remind you he is an omega and even if he wanted a job they will only give him shittt ones. He has no place to stay so might as well. HE had too much pride and he was literally throwing it away

    Bigbadteddy November 10, 2018 7:44 am

    What do YOU mean what shitty behavior? Are you for real? Almost everything he did was shitty and selfish as fuck. I don't CARE that omegas are 'looked down on' or whatever. They can obviously make it in the world, I mean there was even one on that news program. He wanted to be taken care of, he wanted that rich lush life and it literally fell into his lap. I mean, the seme is pretty shitty too, but at least he took responsibility. Ugh. This comic just has really bad character writing.

    "He had nothing left" wtf are you talking about? He had everything and walked away from it. If I was that seme I would be pissed and disgusted.

Bigbadteddy July 21, 2018 1:13 pm

Well, I think that it's pretty clear that Dabi isn't Endeavor's son. There was absolutely no recognition as father and son between them and no foreshadowing that they are what so ever with this meeting. And we all know just how much Horikoshi loves to foreshadow.

    Diamond July 21, 2018 1:28 pm

    Endeavor vision is blurry so he can't fully see him (even said it in the chapter, he can't see well after his injury )
    Dabi name isn't Dabi, he altered his appearance. It isn't ruled out yet nor disproven yet that Dabi isn't his son. So, you can't say that.
    It is a lot more evidence pointing that Dabi is related to them than the latter. Horikoshi did dropped hints ever since Dabi was introduced. Why is it that we never seen the oldest Todoroki son's face but the other children? Why is Dabi so torn up about killing someome as displayed in this chapter? I honestly can go on all day about this.

    Bigbadteddy July 21, 2018 2:31 pm

    Actually, I can say that and I did say that and I stand by it. Even if you take in the blurry vision, there was still nothing that alluded to Dabi recognizing him as his father. If he was the father I feel like there would be something, anything that tips a hat in that direction.

    moon July 21, 2018 3:21 pm

    i also want to believe about that (cause they're not recognize each other, like you said) but there's one thing that crossed my mind: why in the panel before dabi manage to escape (cmiiw) he's calling endeavor by his full name? and in the end he's talking about family? is that a hint idk but imho well it would be a huge mess if the no.1 hero actually created one of the most famous villain tho

    Diamond July 21, 2018 5:24 pm
    Actually, I can say that and I did say that and I stand by it. Even if you take in the blurry vision, there was still nothing that alluded to Dabi recognizing him as his father. If he was the father I feel like... Bigbadteddy

    You can stand by it but like I said, you didn't prove that the theory isn't true nor did this chapter. This chapter actually leads more to the theory being true.

    Bigbadteddy July 22, 2018 1:26 am
    i also want to believe about that (cause they're not recognize each other, like you said) but there's one thing that crossed my mind: why in the panel before dabi manage to escape (cmiiw) he's calling endeavor ... moon

    I think that is just Dabi messing with him or because he doesn't like calling heros by their hero name.

    Tracki12 July 22, 2018 5:44 am
    I think that is just Dabi messing with him or because he doesn't like calling heros by their hero name. Bigbadteddy

    One thing you may be overlooking is that 1) Dabi probably does not consider Enji a parent (like how Natsuo resents his father a bit). His lack of recognition could be because Enji is like a stringer to him, Enji never interacted with his children. Some theorists think Dabi resents his father, maybe Dabi actually gives 0 fucks about his family.
    2) Enji rarely/never interacted with his children once another was born. If Dabi is the first/ one of the earlier children, maybe he was quickly ignored once a perspective superior child was born. When Shoto was born, ENji had no use for the rest of his kids and wife. He actually tells shoto to not pay them any mind which i assume enji also did. Why would he know what one of his sons looks likes like after ignoring him for 10-15 years and the guy is now some sort of zombie-like black-haired sociopath?

    Natsume July 23, 2018 6:42 am
    I think that is just Dabi messing with him or because he doesn't like calling heros by their hero name. Bigbadteddy

    But he calls All Might by his hero name instead of his real name Toshinori?

    Natsume July 23, 2018 6:44 am
    One thing you may be overlooking is that 1) Dabi probably does not consider Enji a parent (like how Natsuo resents his father a bit). His lack of recognition could be because Enji is like a stringer to him, Enj... Tracki12

    You took the wordas out my mouth no fair I was going to comment that!

    Bigbadteddy July 23, 2018 11:36 am
    But he calls All Might by his hero name instead of his real name Toshinori? Natsume

    Because I don't think he knows it. No one did, hence why All might was able to live a peaceful life when not in his hero form.

    Bigbadteddy July 23, 2018 12:12 pm
    One thing you may be overlooking is that 1) Dabi probably does not consider Enji a parent (like how Natsuo resents his father a bit). His lack of recognition could be because Enji is like a stringer to him, Enj... Tracki12

    These are great points, but even if none of the other kids knew about Dabi I am sure their mother would. With as unstable as she is I think we would have seen foreshadowing in this department with flashbacks where Enji is having a fight with his wife and she brings it up or talks about Dabi passively as in she misses him or something like that. And even if Endeavour didn't recognize Dabi's face I still don't see why Endeavour wouldn't have some kind of reaction to the blue flames or the mom (she was watching on TV). I just feel like when blue flames showed up on the news broadcasting the fight that we would have seen her have a reaction like her gasping or her eyes going wide. Like I said, Kohei is really great at foreshadowing and the complete lack of foreshadowing is what has me sure that he isn't the dadda.

    There are other factors too. How do none of the other kids not know what Dabit looks like or that he has blue flames, they are watching too and how would they not ever mention him if he mysteriously disappeared or if something happened to him? They have no reason to cover for their father if Endeavour caused something to happen to Dabi. I without a doubt believe that whatever happened to Dabi involved flames in someway(those are obviously burn scars on his body), either his own flames or someone else's. I also don't see how none of the other siblings wouldn't know about Dabi because I am pretty dang sure he isn't older than Fuyumi (Who is 22), my guess is that Dabi is around 19? And even if he was somehow older than Fuyumi that means the two would have been born really close to each other. I don't think that after whatever tragedy befell Dabi happened when he was as a baby or a toddler, it obviously happened to him at an age that he could just leave afterward and become what he is now and if Shoto's brother's and sisters were there for it and it happened as a result of something their father did I do not believe that they would just stand by and let the same thing potentially happen to Shoto. I also feel like their mum would have been WAY more messed up than she is if one of her children exploded in blue flames or if Endeavour seemingly burned one to 'death' or whatever.

    Lets also not forget that Endeavour is not the only fire-based hero out there. Midoria's dad breathes fire, so for all we know Dabi could be Deku's long-lost older brother~ oooh. Brother to another mother or something. Heck, he could somehow be related to Bakugo, his quirk is combustion based after all.

    But I mean, if I am wrong, then I am wrong. -shrug- I would just feel let down honestly because if Dabi really is part of the Todoroki family then they should be way more emotionally traumatized than they are. Way more protective of each other. As a child of abuse my self with siblings, the abuse didn't drive us apart, it brought us together and if something were to happen to one of my brothers to that extreme there is no way I wouldn't act to try and save them to try and keep that from happening to my other brother, ya know? If anything, even if I was to scared to act I would for sure tell my younger siblings the horrors of our father who seemingly murdered or drove out one of our siblings. Just because that sibling was gone does not mean I would stop talking about them. Especially when papa (who doesn't pay attention to them anyway) wasn't listening.

    Natsume July 24, 2018 7:17 am
    Because I don't think he knows it. No one did, hence why All might was able to live a peaceful life when not in his hero form. Bigbadteddy

    Huh that's true my thoughts about the chapter is that it doesn't comfirm or deny any of the theories yet not enough was given for either to be right or wrong. I do think the author knows of the theories there are and is teasing the audience for a bit before he gives his answer

    Nickname July 27, 2018 10:15 pm
    These are great points, but even if none of the other kids knew about Dabi I am sure their mother would. With as unstable as she is I think we would have seen foreshadowing in this department with flashbacks wh... Bigbadteddy

    Todoroki Rei doesn't have TV in her room. When the fight between Endeavor and high end, Horikoshi foreshadowing her to level up the emotional impact for the readers. That's why Shouto comunicating with her through letters and she had zero knowledge on Endeavor being the number one hero (the show is the biggest thing back then). It was Narsuo that bring it up and Fuyumi scolded Natsuo for bringing up Endeavor in front of her.

    I think electronic device is forbidden for her and her mental state. That's why she didn't know anything about Dabi or Endeavor's fight with the High-end

    Bigbadteddy July 28, 2018 9:14 am

    I could have swore I saw her watching TV but no matter. Still doesn't explain the kids lack of reaction.

Bigbadteddy July 14, 2018 2:09 pm

No one is ever going to hook up in this manga. They are just gonna keep dancing around in circles forever.... ( ̄へ ̄)

    chesie July 14, 2018 2:39 pm

    I mean the first pairing kissed and confessed at least

    PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT July 14, 2018 2:51 pm
    I mean the first pairing kissed and confessed at least chesie

    well actually they kissed on the forehead and one of them confessed..

    PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT July 14, 2018 2:51 pm
    I mean the first pairing kissed and confessed at least chesie

    there was no actual solid reply either, just a “ik”

    Kat July 14, 2018 3:12 pm

    remember this manhwa is about yi finding out who is father is and he also gets kidnapped all throughout high school, we're just building up around the friendships and love before we slowly get to more of the plot

    Fuggy July 14, 2018 3:21 pm
    remember this manhwa is about yi finding out who is father is and he also gets kidnapped all throughout high school, we're just building up around the friendships and love before we slowly get to more of the pl... Kat

    *middle school

    Kat July 14, 2018 4:24 pm

    what i mean is he gets kidnapped throughout highschool, the first or second day, he gets caught once already in middle school, but hes missing in highschool

    chesie July 14, 2018 9:49 pm
    there was no actual solid reply either, just a “ik” PFFFBITCHYOUDONETHOUGHT

    Tru,,at least it was something lmao.

    Bigbadteddy July 14, 2018 10:31 pm
    Tru,,at least it was something lmao. chesie

    Yeah, barely something... And then they just moved on as if nothing had happened...

    Kat July 15, 2018 3:16 am

    It didn't happen yet, the middle school kidnap happen but not the high school one
    It just showed little bits of it as if they're telling the stories in the future

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