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Cookiemaster2000 created a topic of One Room Angel

I remember reading this for the first time when I was around 14 and I cried a lot. It was the middle of the night and I vividly remember tears and snot running down my face as I hiccuped and sobbed, quietly weeping out that the angel boy was real. It was a dramatic reaction I’ll admit, but it’s one i’d end up repeating a number of times more every-time I came back to reread it.

Even though this manga has weird uncomfortable pedophilic undertones, unfortunately so, Its etched a special place in my heart. I definitely think it would’ve been better if they were portrayed as friends or if the angel boy wasn’t a middle schooler but considering the authors previous works…I’m not really surprised unfortunately.

Now that I’m older the undertones aren’t really undertones and I wasn’t able to enjoy it as much when I was younger and too stupid to realize but still, special place in my heart and all.