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Smoking Hot Favorites(10) 2018-12-30 0

LoveforHawkeye's topics ( All 12 )

LoveforHawkeye December 12, 2020 4:10 am

Just let me stab red in the neck, please!!!! Just once. It ain't gon kill him

    deli December 12, 2020 4:23 am

    Honey pass the knife to me I 'WILL' kill him-

LoveforHawkeye October 20, 2020 5:55 pm

1. What happened to the phone call to the father if Jaehyuk acted out of line to get him sent back home?! Why didn't anyone make the call?! Or maybe just call the police?!

2. Hajin, what the actual hell? I was pulling for you all this time to show everyone that you would fight for Dokyung, but instead you just went back to that asshole! Look, I get that you want to protect Dokyung but there's just so many better ways to do so without hurting him! Call the police, call the father, punch Jaehyuk in the face, turn Dokyung into a vampire so he can punch Jaehyuk in the face! Anything would be better than what you're doing now!!!

3. What happened to the art? This is like the second time the art took dip in quality. It looks all scraggly and weird now. Is it supposed to reflect the current sad state that our characters are in? Meh, who knows.

At this point, it looks like we're in the unnecessary drama phase of this story which is too bad because I wanted to see Taehyun's love life ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Tinielle October 21, 2020 10:54 am

    BROOOOOO *round of applause* There's no excuse for them not calling his father!

    Tinielle October 21, 2020 10:58 am

    Guys this series literally ends in 4 chapters with an additional epilogue...I don't know whether to be mad because it feels like it'll be a rushed ending and it felt like I wasted my time for a plot that didn't really go anywhere or what. Maybe this series will redeem itself with the chapters we have yet to see.

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Photo from Album 05-16 19:18
Photo from The SATISFACTION!!! 10-04 07:47
Photo from cries 12-05 04:20
Banana Scandal S2 09-30 11:12
This remind me of a manga called 5 seconds ಠ_ಠ 06-28 00:56

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