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ken created a topic of Backlight

Honestly, I never read a story where I hate both the uke and seme since killing stalking. The seme literally is a sociopath who’s obsessed with noncon and wasting my breath on him further would be abysmal. Then the uke constant back and forth is frustrating me. Like if you don’t want to fuck him, then let him fuck those other people, they’re happy to do so.

He constantly says “I don’t want him.. I don’t like the new him” then constantly get jealous. Like either come to terms that the version of him that you loved 10 years ago is gone and stay completely professional or just accept him 100% instead of that dumbass 37%.

They both annoy me, the only person I feel bad for is Hae Yool. He’s literally being assaulted constantly for a company who doesn’t even care whether they can protect him or not. Then he falls for a guy with the blandest personality except for going from drying wall paint and jealousy, then he tries to set his plan in motion by trying to get the manager to follow him which leads to him getting exposed, losing his manager to the guy who exposed him, then when he finally makes a move, his rival sends his psycho sponsor to assault him.