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I think a rock that gained consciousness 1 minute ago would have more common sense of what’s dumb and what’s not.

ken created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

I’m still annoyed that he’s questioning Poseidon vs the people who literally only recruited him to talk shit about the people who helped him level up and got him rich without expecting much in return except a friendship. They dox people, harass women, and harassed Poseidon for weeks (with Poseidon still helping him with the pvp despite him being on the team with terrible people.) but you’re STILL with them.
Granted he don’t owe them anything but honestly just stay away from them if you’re only going to keep using them. Like you expected someone to come at your beck and call to help you train in a match that they’re literally playing against you with. I feel he’s gotten to complacent with being a wallflower. Like get help from them then fade into the background.

ken created a topic of Salvation Spirit

So did he take the fate of the uke? Which is why it’s knotted and black? Like meaning everything he has was supposed to be the ukes? But why though? I get he was obsessed as a kid but why continue to steal his fate as an adult? Is it a permanent thing or is he constantly keeping it up because he’s been obsessed the whole time?

It takes too long to get over just one conversation, I literally waited for updates till it was 6 chapters we STILL haven’t even gotten halfway through the court session.

ken created a topic of Gokutora no Honey Bunny

What did you really expect? They used violence first? Broke your dad’s leg, threatened to sell your sisters and you, and tried to assault you. You literally called for help, did you expect him to go there and start singing frozen soundtrack for them to stop? If he just stood there and watched or left you alone, you’d be hurt emotionally and physically. They were going to damage the store sooner or later by selling the workers and disabling to cooks, so how could you even keep the store open?


Bro, the empress doesn’t want you. Why do you keep sticking your nose into her relationship with the duke? She can care less what you do with your mom 2.0.

ken created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

I’m turning off my brain, just wanna see pretty baby. You let people you know is affiliated with your ex who set you up numerous times then act confused that they betrayed you again. I don’t even care anymore.

ken created a topic of Viola Tames the Duke

I’m not understanding why she keep leaving Robitch alone, like she left you to get attacked in a dark alley by a group of men. Imagine what would’ve happened if she wasn’t strong? That could’ve ended up worse than just a beating. She literally should beat her up at least once.

The first time the female side character was hotter than the main leads, why is everyone so sexy??? Like can y’all just all kith?

ken created a topic of I Thought It Was Time!

I don’t understand how people are mad at HER boundaries. She makes it very clear to the priest that she’s only looking for friendship, it’s not her fault he fell for her. In the first place he only decided to be her “friend” because she’s the only person who can heal him. He thought of using her till got bored, it backfired. She’s been consistent with how she treated him, she protected him just as she protected the princess. She never had friends before, he’s her first friend so she doesn’t know what is normal for friends and what’s not, she’s following his lead. She was abused her whole life, even when she ran away they kidnapped her to abuse her more. She even changed the position he healed her in even though the duke said it was fine simply out of courtesy for their relationship. We saw how she reacted to the guy who was upfront with his romantic intentions at the festival and at the library. I’m sure if the priest told her upfront “i like you” she would reject him. If anyone misinterpreted her feelings for them, that’s on them because she’s clearly a duke fan girl. But that aside, what’s up with the blonde? Is she after the duke or what?

Why are we getting the side stories of her friends getting absolutely pounded while the MC still haven’t even got to at least dry humping? Not a boner or snail trail in sight. Is it saying like “yeah she’s smart with sex look how she’s getting everyone good sex, so she could too if she wanted” or “take these side characters fucking in compensation for the main characters not even getting a handjob yet.” I like it though, it’s hilarious.

Also, Lily is probably not going to even feel grateful for the help. She spent 20 years being jealous of mc so I assume she’ll feel even more anger that someone she considered less than her had more power over a situation than she did. Also, she became disillusioned with her peers by thinking people cared that the duchess was supporting her but she’s too dumb to even realize the duchess would never be outwardly in support of her. She thought mutual enemy made true friends but in the end, The only person who helped her was the one she hated most.

I’m hoping for the wizard and fl troupe ngl. He seems like a better option, no matter how sus he is.

ken followed a list

shit to fap to when ur horny lmao 
check out my other list for more

- plot? non existent.
- most are noncon, or just really weird. read at ur own risk.
- mix of yaoi, yuri, and straight smut 
- no ppatta here!

13 12,2023
ken created a topic of A Delicious Descendant

Not the grandpa being a voyeur how he in heaven watching them have gay sex on his table?? Isn’t he supposed to be doing stuff up there? Healing people? But no he spends his time watching his grandchild have butt sex with his enemy.

I had to pause from laughing at chapter 16, Runa was so used to people being afraid of responding back and scolding her that her getting the same energy scared her LOOL “shut up.”