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blablabla created a topic of Debut or Die

Aaahhh shittt... Such clifhabger (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

blablabla created a topic of Spirit Farmer

I think yuna is an ok, Because she's always been a strength for Geon Woo... And when did the twins know about the dungeon farm? Did I miss something? Then that leaves seo rin sam soo chan who doesn't know yet?

Hah. Just give me spoiler instead.. Iam too tired with this damn drama

Awwww.. Finally some one sane enough to search who pyo wol is and make the right judgment. I hope you will be save at the next chapter (⌒▽⌒)

Is it possible his father is a vampire too? Or even a dragon? (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

I am at chapy 39. Can anyone tell me if the tree and its pets became friend with human other than the 3 servant?

blablabla created a topic of Jinx

Is he gonna rape our Dan again? Fuck, if he does he really is a trash

blablabla created a topic of Jinx

Please dont make Dan suffer more than this. I feel anxious seeing his photo taken with jaekyung
˚‧º·(˚ ˃⌓˂ )‧º·˚

Is the grand duchess a good person ? Will she became jealous witj the fl?

blablabla created a topic of Seoul Station Druid

That murim bastard act like a victim ewh