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Allysallymeowy June 15, 2019 6:44 am

Lol I feel like this manga understands me. I stay at home all the time, I even offered to stay at my grandparents and help them this summer. I was pretty content with it for a long time but I’m so lonely these days I wanna cry. I sometimes wish I had friends, but I haven’t had friends that actually make me feel good about myself since the third grade, and I’m about to enter my junior year. I’m not trying to complain that bad, it’s not like I’m depressed, I just empathize with things like WataMote because I’m actually pretty social but somehow no one ever finds me interesting enough to be friends with. I can be antisocial but that’s more of a response mechanism when people instantly shut me down.
Whatever, this is super personal but I’m trying to find friends (one of these days). Wish me luck! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    orientalflavour June 15, 2019 9:33 am

    Good luck! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Skidaddlew June 15, 2019 11:11 am

    I’m sad u haven’t actually had friends that make you feel good or have made u feel uninteresting :((you seem to have great mindset! I wish u all the best! Hope you find great people and surround yourself with positivity and happiness

    BlakeKeston June 15, 2019 12:23 pm

    Talk with a lot of people until you find someone you connect with, it takes some effort but it may worth it. And try to smile a lot, it helps.

    s o r u t o c c h i June 15, 2019 6:45 pm

    Good luck!!! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    I actually wanna have some friends too but somehow I prevented and avoided labeling people I meet by that. It's kind of like a high maintenance mindset of assuming bonds with people you just met are superficial... and in the end nothing grows within me at all. It's a super annoying side of me and I know that it's because of my stubbornness that I don't find one. Right now though, I've come to accept it and honestly... I'm just too lazy to care anymore hahahaha

    You seem really different to me and have a great mind, I don't see why other people find you boring (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

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