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ran created a topic of Little Mushroom

I really really love the art.

ran created a topic of The best luck of my life

Ahhmmm, hu's he again ?

ran created a topic of Don’t Say You Love Me

When is this going to end ?

ran created a topic of A Secret Romance Between Us

Ohh..let's go with this art. I like it.

ran created a topic of Ore no Sub o Abaku na

I prefer ALPHAxOMEGA than DOMxSUB. You ?

ran created a topic of Sugar Rain

It feels like it's slowburn, coz it updates so slow i guess.

ran created a topic of A Season of Dusk

Wuuut ,???! Moreeeee !

ran created a topic of When The Yakuza Falls Inlove

Haaa.... dude digged his own grave. About 6ft ?

ran created a topic of To deny the route

The f*ck ?

ran created a topic of Waterside Night

Euihyun's face every seggs scenes is sooo very HENTAI. haha !

ran created a topic of When The Yakuza Falls Inlove

Daiki is getting hotter and hotter.

ran created a topic of Home

I kew it, they're living in the same buildng as i said in the past chapter. He's a stalker.

ran created a topic of Kill My Love
ran created a topic of Gig of the Day

Enjoy the moment man, you'll regret it someday.

Latest update kinda weird...but ..... haaaaa...i did finish it , damn me.

ran created a topic of Kill My Love
ran created a topic of Someone Like You

Huh ? I got excited for nothing in the last week update.

ran created a topic of Gig of the Day

You're gonna see that kind of face infront of you too someday.

ran created a topic of Guiding Hazard

Plot twist : he heard it

ran created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!