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NIKORU July 11, 2021 8:10 am

I don't think it has a pedo vibes here. I don't know huh but when the seme is still a kid, the uke didn't touch him or sees the child in a sexual manner. It's just like a normal "neighbor's" kid who comes to play around because the uke is always alone. And as the seme says that his parents is always busy to work. And I think the uke feels responsible to take care of him because he's an adult and the kid is also alone. Just to keep him safe (the kid). And the rest, well it's normal to fell in love to anyone who you wants to fell in love with. As long as he's already an adult too. So it's legal. They started their relationship when the seme is already an adult.

NIKORU June 22, 2021 6:58 pm

Why do I feel annoyed after reading this?? ಠ_ಠ In my opinion, the top is so toxic. He keeps saying the line to his bf that ; "he doesn't really understand just how much he loves him" like wtf? And about the swimsuit, the size is for kids. (referring to the chapter one). ಠ_ʖಠ Am I the only one who find it suspicious? , and this story is very uncomfortable and disgusting (for me) The every chapter of it. I read it until the end because I'm expecting some kind of a changes regarding to the Seme's personality. IN THE END, NOTHING. ಥ‿ಥ Btw, I like the drawings 10/10 but I hate the story plot 6/10. I'm not only into the seggs scene, lol jk. But I want to enjoy the story too but to this? — meh. *thumbs down* (눈‸눈)

    Yuyu June 24, 2021 2:36 pm

    Yessssss, the plot was too… questionable (΄◉◞౪◟◉`) and also the way the dom makes nonsense rules for the sub, quite weird.

    NIKORU June 24, 2021 8:42 pm
    Yessssss, the plot was too… questionable (΄◉◞౪◟◉`) and also the way the dom makes nonsense rules for the sub, quite weird. Yuyu

    He's being too possessive to him and just imagine about their relationship in the future. I'm worried (๑•﹏•)

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