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twinkle nips created a topic of Cat and Bed

They're so freaking cute! All of them are. UGH SO PRECIOUS

twinkle nips created a topic of Secret XXX

They're so freaking adorable!! Mito is gorgeous I'm jealous of shouhei lol. So wholesome and loving. I love them

The ending.. that's it!??! What??

twinkle nips created a topic of Migi & Dali

I almost freaking cried. They were able to appear as themselves in front of the foster parents, (what I've been wanting!!) they're all teenagers, Eiji came home to have cherry pie and meals with them and Dari adventures off on his own path. I'm happy and sad!! I love my boys

I knew he was a little suspicious. There was no way a person was going to be this genuine enough to help shion. Bro just got kidnapped too