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panpan created a topic of Jinx

I just come here to read the comments
(ノ≧∇≦)ノ rather than reading the story

panpan created a topic of Jinx

Oh so the J's red eyeshadow is makeup

panpan created a topic of Jinx

40 chapters in and I don't see any development in the story

panpan created a topic of Jinx

Does having sex cure the aphrodisiac drug effect? Is Dan okay now?

panpan created a topic of Jinx

Can we talk about how Dan literally only has two sets of clothes (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

panpan created a topic of Jinx

what would make J to fall in love with Dan?
forget redemption for a second.. we should first make J fall in love with Dan.. so I think, if J loses the match and then Dan stays by his side or they have some emotional interaction maybe Dan comforting J in some way or they have emotional sex.. THEN J will start seeing Dan in a new light

panpan created a topic of Jinx

chapter 39

it was just sex.. no feelings , nothing... he even didn't kiss him properly... didn't even get worries over Dan's strange behavior.
Dan confessed but it went over J's head.
I'm really like (-_-) when reading this

panpan created a topic of Non-Refundable Alpha

An extra for the children pleaseヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

panpan created a topic of Night Song

there is a unwritten rule that if the Seme gives oral to his Uke, he is for sure head over heels for him... our dude went even more than that.

panpan created a topic of Dreadful Night

This is the kinda plot that I just want to fast forward to the ending. I hate the waiting. Tell me what happens before I get attached

panpan created a topic of Dreadful Night

why don't they remove his mask...and I suspect most of them at this point

panpan created a topic of Night Song

I had to go back and read every chapter again without skipping. the first time I thought it was another toxic story full of emotionless sex chapters BUT NO.. this one is good.. it is GOLD prime material .. I hope it gets getting better

panpan created a topic of Jinx

We getting closer to the climax of the story, weather it'll be. Big fight between Dan and J .. Dan running away, J firing him. Dan being hospitalized... J loosing and trashing out on Dan.... I have no idea

panpan created a topic of Jinx

Is he still paying him or after dealing with his debt and hospital bill he stopped? if so then firing Dan if he loses the game is gonna leave dan homeless and jobless.
honestly I don't know which is worse. well Dan doesn't seem to mind the humiliation and disrespects as much as us.

panpan created a topic of Jinx

I don't even care about any of the characters anymore. I'm just reading because I need closure. They may all die at once, I don't give a F. Just finish the plot

panpan created a topic of Night Song

I don't wanna be the one who talks about jinx under every manga but the son of devil is more romantic that I did it.

panpan created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Does anyone have link to the raws?

panpan created a topic of Jinx

"I'm just a tool, nothing more..I know that" ┗( T﹏T )┛ nooo baby~

panpan created a topic of Jinx

Bj Alex was a bitch but there still were some ways for saving him/his character.. bit for Jaekyun, I can't think of anything except some psychological thing from Dan side.

panpan created a topic of Even If You Don't Love Me

Can't believe this has higher ratings than jinx
I haven't read this for a long time and it is still super toxic