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BeepBopp July 7, 2021 3:58 am

??? This is stupid, what Mickey did was not wrong. He gave Alex the OPTION to take soneone else over Kai. And Alex took the girl, meaning he did not like that Kai was the one helping him.

BeepBopp June 30, 2021 2:43 pm

"i hadnt read a BL in 13 years so i had to do research" NOOOOO WHY DID YOU DO THAT???

BL are literally infected by stereotypes personalities/body types/events.....
Doing research to make a BL should never include reading other about doing research on gay men....

And i know this is what all authors do so it's not like i'm targetting this author personally BUT it that sentence really triggered my brain cells.

    Lily June 30, 2021 4:12 pm

    I'm not sure but maybe she was also implying that since she hadn't read bl she resorted to actual research? I mean when I read that part, I was thinking maybe she researched preparations, positions, etc. when it comes to boy x boy.

    BeepBopp June 30, 2021 8:47 pm
    I'm not sure but maybe she was also implying that since she hadn't read bl she resorted to actual research? I mean when I read that part, I was thinking maybe she researched preparations, positions, etc. when i... Lily

    Well it makes sense that when you do research you also check the projects of other people in the same field. The issue in BL is that it's full of bullshit.

    And it's obvious that most authors' research = reading other BL
    Otherwise how did they all end up with the same stuff? The stereotypes for uke and seme personallities / body types. Or the super popular rape tropes. Or the way most BL has a very weird idea of how male body works. Atleast now they use lube sometimes but theres so much more other stuff that are wrong....

BeepBopp June 22, 2021 5:20 pm

Jiwoon just admitted that Suha leaving the house makes him quite anxious, to the point he wants Suha to stay home all the time.... And Suha didn't think it was time to take therapy????

And then Suha promised to not leave until Jiwoon is ready for it.....such a stupid promise....

I just hope Jiwoon gets better before something really bad happen. Obviously what he is doing is wrong but it's still not too far yet. (For example if he goes back to his senses after 1 day, it's stillgood. But if Suha is stuck in the houses for months, the issue is quite hard to forgive).

BeepBopp June 16, 2021 12:48 am

I would be able to fully enjoy the story if the MC wasn't fucking his best friend. It's not a bad thing but to me it kind of kills the mood and makes the whole story (including the plot unrelated to the romance) much less enjoyable.

    Fwop June 16, 2021 2:44 am

    Wait who and who?

    Miggy June 16, 2021 4:14 am

    I think the MC is paying the “bestfriend” for the work the MC requests through his body but he did not like it at all.

    BeepBopp June 16, 2021 4:57 am
    I think the MC is paying the “bestfriend” for the work the MC requests through his body but he did not like it at all. Miggy

    I know but it still kills the romance mood.

    It's just to add spice and drama to the story and that's okay. I do think it is exciting in a way when he does it with the bestfriend, but then i partly lost interest in the romance because of this. And i read mainly for the romance.

    BeepBopp June 16, 2021 4:58 am
    Wait who and who? Fwop

    The MC(uke) and his best friend. They keep meeting up to have sex in exchange the best friends help the MC about stuff related to Chagang

    LadyLuna June 17, 2021 4:52 am

    ikr but i keep my eyes close and just enjoy the xxx

BeepBopp June 13, 2021 8:32 pm

His boobs are more squishy than real life boobs and we are gonna pretend its muscle?

    UrFavGirly June 13, 2021 8:56 pm

    Actually, muscle is rly squishy when its not flexed. XD

    BeepBopp June 13, 2021 9:14 pm
    Actually, muscle is rly squishy when its not flexed. XD UrFavGirly

    A bit squishy but i believe it is nowhere as squishy to what we are seeing.

BeepBopp June 13, 2021 7:15 pm

If Ino doesnt change his mind, it would feel like a bittersweet ending for Kakia even if it ends on a good note.

    lonelymoon June 13, 2021 8:08 pm

    Well if ino does accept to become a vampire, it'd be a bittersweet ending for him since he wouldn't be able to meet his brother and sister-in-law so yeah both hurts and our only choice is too cry

    BeepBopp June 13, 2021 8:35 pm
    Well if ino does accept to become a vampire, it'd be a bittersweet ending for him since he wouldn't be able to meet his brother and sister-in-law so yeah both hurts and our only choice is too cry lonelymoon

    He wont meet them if he dies too.

    I'm pretty sure it was never mentionned that he believed in life after death.

    shmamalahay June 13, 2021 8:44 pm
    He wont meet them if he dies too.I'm pretty sure it was never mentionned that he believed in life after death. BeepBopp

    he said that when he dies hell go to all the lycans and tell them about how much theire children have grown so maybe he does belive in the after life (sorry bad spelling english isnt my first language)

    BeepBopp June 13, 2021 9:09 pm
    he said that when he dies hell go to all the lycans and tell them about how much theire children have grown so maybe he does belive in the after life (sorry bad spelling english isnt my first language) shmamalahay

    Oh good point then he did imply he believes in it.

    And i think the mom of the seme from the first story appeared as some kind of angel in the story.

    But if Ino is immortal, no one is alone, but if he died Kakia would end up alone. So i still think its the most bitter path xD

    shmamalahay June 14, 2021 10:50 am

    ya i think so and also the lycans would be looking over their children already so he dosent need to tell them in the after life

BeepBopp June 8, 2021 8:00 pm

Can someone explain how Sooin became a vampire? I dont get it but somehow his ex was used to turn Sooin into a vampire and they somehow merged since Sooin sees his memories.

Also how come Sooin can make Chi Hwan his link?

    I ca June 8, 2021 8:09 pm

    Ok I might be wrong but I think when sooin was dying chi hwan tried making him a vampire but since sooin’s blood is poisonous it took all of chi hwans powers and gave them to sooin so sooin turned to a vampire and turned chi hwan human and sooin made him his link but I could be wrong

    BeepBopp June 8, 2021 8:19 pm
    Ok I might be wrong but I think when sooin was dying chi hwan tried making him a vampire but since sooin’s blood is poisonous it took all of chi hwans powers and gave them to sooin so sooin turned to a vampir... I ca

    Yea but Chi Hwan implied that he was gonna use the ex. And it was further proved with the fact that Sooin saw the ex's memories as he became a vampire

    peep June 8, 2021 8:34 pm

    Hopefully it explains next chapter ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

BeepBopp June 6, 2021 7:14 am come someone was able to use Sangjae's phone? (Password??)

And then, that person sent that msg to Hangyul and Sangjae never noticed the message ?????

I guess this is just basic BL drama logic but i hope theres some more explanation

    Zee June 6, 2021 7:19 am

    It was probably a friend of his. When u have friend u sometimes let em borrow ur phone to do who knows what. My friends would ask for my phone and I would just give it to them without hesitation so maybe that happened to sangjae, probably a friend of his used it for a few minutes and sent that message to later delete it in sangjae's phone

    Noisymura June 6, 2021 8:41 am

    That does happen in real life tho, some people lend their phone or some don't immediately lock their screen and leave it on the table when they're around people they trust. Hell I even know people with no password at all.

    Zee June 6, 2021 8:47 am
    That does happen in real life tho, some people lend their phone or some don't immediately lock their screen and leave it on the table when they're around people they trust. Hell I even know people with no passw... Noisymura

    Yes yes it’s pretty normal. I personally don’t like to use my friends phones but they use mine, they even know my password lol

    rourou June 6, 2021 11:00 am

    like it or not, some people/ur friend (especially jerk like sangjae's friend) would sometime peek when u unlock ur phone and secretly knew ur password. it did happen to me before. i had a friend that peek into my chats w/o me realizing (they took my phone while i occupied w other things) and when i was looking for my phone, i saw they had it in their hand, reading my chats. i seriously think that was rude and quickly change my password afterwards. i would say u r lucky if u never encountered such situation.

    so to answer ur questions;
    1. it's logic and not impossible.
    2. sangjae might not realize it because the friend might have delete the chat (one sidedly) before giving it back.

    BeepBopp June 7, 2021 12:51 pm

    Yea i know sharing phone isnt uncommon. But only with close friends. And why would a close friend send a message and then delete it. And let's say the close friend is just a fake ass bitch and tries to create drama, what he did would have easily been found out by most it's pretty stupid.

    Sorry if it wasn't clear but it's the whole thing altogether that seems weird.

    rourou June 7, 2021 7:26 pm
    Yea i know sharing phone isnt uncommon. But only with close friends. And why would a close friend send a message and then delete it. And let's say the close friend is just a fake ass bitch and tries to create d... BeepBopp

    yea, but i dont think his reason was to create drama. its more like he want to cut their relationship because he hate to see sangjae always prioritize hangyul when they don't even went to same school. we can also see it clearly, that hangyul is the "close friend" to sangjae and the other guy is just a "friend".

    tbh i don't think its uncommon.. but i do understand what you mean by weird, because their friendship was ruined and that fake guy get away with his fake chats w/o anyone knowing. but if we view on the fact that hangyul suddenly shut sangjae down without telling him why, it make sense.

    well, this is my pov on this situation, well maybe because i understood hangyul who tries to not being a bother to other people. this traits of his was the reason why this "stupid msg" could easily ruin their friendship, because we can see sangjae actually did try to talk things out but hangyul didn't want to. its because he was already sad bc of his parents, and when he finally try to open up, this fake friend hit him up w such msgs. it probably hurts him psychologically that he got scared to open up again. (︶︿︶)

BeepBopp June 5, 2021 7:34 pm

The parents literally live in another country and didnt even come to Korea in years. Why the fuck are they breaking up....

    Lee Minjae June 6, 2021 1:05 am

    For their children's happiness apparently.. It's says he loves his children more than anyone else in this world.. And he was living in another country and couldn't do anything for them.. But now he has the chance to not break his son's heart... Wish real life parents would be like that

    BeepBopp June 6, 2021 6:13 am
    For their children's happiness apparently.. It's says he loves his children more than anyone else in this world.. And he was living in another country and couldn't do anything for them.. But now he has the chan... Lee Minjae

    I dont think you got my point.

    The parents could still marry and be happy together and it wouldnt do anything because they arent living in Korea. So the parents and the kids could be happy

    Lee Minjae June 6, 2021 6:51 am
    I dont think you got my point.The parents could still marry and be happy together and it wouldnt do anything because they arent living in Korea. So the parents and the kids could be happy BeepBopp

    Um then our babies would be step brothers.. Think @BeepBopp think

    BeepBopp June 6, 2021 7:09 am
    Um then our babies would be step brothers.. Think @BeepBopp think Lee Minjae

    So what? Both of them are okay with it. And they arent celebrities so no one is gonna do a super deep background check to notice that their parents' outside the country, got married.

    So everyone's image is safe and the young ones are okay even if the wedding happens. So this wedding would.have no harm on the children.

    rhysand June 6, 2021 2:24 pm
    So what? Both of them are okay with it. And they arent celebrities so no one is gonna do a super deep background check to notice that their parents' outside the country, got married. So everyone's image is safe... BeepBopp

    Ikrr... i dont see the problem.. they r not even real brother... n pluss the mother doesnt even care about our seme before.. lol

    I really want the mother n father to continue their relationship..huhuhu

    ilovemyselfhaha June 6, 2021 3:41 pm
    So what? Both of them are okay with it. And they arent celebrities so no one is gonna do a super deep background check to notice that their parents' outside the country, got married. So everyone's image is safe... BeepBopp

    Bcs if em still continue the marriage,yall will complain with that "incest thing" (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    ilovemyselfhaha June 6, 2021 3:42 pm
    Bcs if em still continue the marriage,yall will complain with that "incest thing" (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 ilovemyselfhaha

    Even they dont have blood related,there always ppl complain bcs incest or step brother things

    cupcake June 13, 2021 10:12 am
    Um then our babies would be step brothers.. Think @BeepBopp think Lee Minjae

    exactly but like i dont see the problem, not like they were raised together or blood related. they are only step brothers on papers. but even so, the dad and the mom could have just date and not get married, then they wouldnt be step brothers right

BeepBopp June 4, 2021 2:24 am

I guess the debt is not so bad considering that he has enough money to afford living in a very good apartment (the same as coral snake)and he has his private trainer

    BeepBopp June 4, 2021 2:27 am

    Or maybe he "paid back" by signing the streamer contract?

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