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xXPabuXx created a topic of Third night only

Although it’s your typical one night stand it also isn’t. It doesn’t just dive into them immediately liking each other after that single night. Rather it shows them gradually explore their own feelings. It is back and forth but I think that’s understandable with their specific circumstances. Both struggle with emotional connections so feeling love for another person would definitely put them in a bind. Her reactions although possibly frustrating for some readers, makes sense. She been so used to being on her own not being vulnerable so she’s unsure and feels the need to pull away. Same goes for the dude. He likes her but is scared of that and isn’t sure how to express his feelings, which even in the story is explained. Overall I think it’s pretty well written for its genre and purpose and even does a good job incorporating the time loops. Even her overthinking is relatable. Anxiety be like that lmao. Worth a read if you’re interested in relationship building rather than just head over heels all the time characters (typical wattpad story).

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