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havi13's experience ( All 0 )

havi13's answer ( All 1 )

Hey, trans guy here. So there's really no one-and-done answer to this question, but the fact that you're asking this question is a good indicator of, at the very least, a feeling of not being entirely aligned with your assigned gender or sex at birth. What I recommend is to really think about how you perceive your inner self. Think about how other ......   reply
08 02,2019

havi13's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did survived suicide

Do not recommend. 1. Expensive to go to ER and all jazz, and recovery time is long (at least for me) .2 lots of trauma in mental hospitals

58 minutes
did survived suicide

do not recommend, it took 12 months for my stomach to be able to handle alcohol or anything acidic

1 hours
did make a picrew

Its so cute

1 hours