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Heynow April 21, 2019 11:16 am

Ill try to explain it as best as i can: So a collage student likes his professor (or classmate i honestly cant remeber its been too long) and said student wants his sperm cells. One day professor hears student masturbaiting to him. Professor ends up daiting student (i think) and they go to the beach where student looses cell samples from falling into the sea by acciddent. In the end student has and extra sample hidding somewhere and boom happy ending (maybe). Please help my 3 year long search end(/TДT)/. Sorry for any spelling mistakes and thank you in advance.

Heynow October 18, 2018 3:30 am

Ok so it's about two scientists and one of them wants the sperm cells of the other?Then he finally gets them but he loses them at the beach or something.I have been thiking about this manga for the longest time so any help is aprecciated.

Heynow September 23, 2018 8:29 pm

So i dont really remeber much but i know that the mc has a pet sugarglider or hamster and he makes a wish for his crush to stay with him and it turns out that his crush and pet conbine. I think its yaoi but i cant remeber.Thanks for the help!

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