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his power level is over 9000!!! lol

angel1 created a topic of Form of Sympathy

The ch 124 reupload that claims to be "uncensored" should be considered "partially uncensored" it does have the whole scene that was cropped out of the R15 upload, but it's still a lightsaber and you don't even see the whole lightsaber...

i do appreciate that we get some missing dialogue though, much appreciated.

angel1 created a topic of Profundis

i'm surprised blondie is even capable of giving ANY sort of emotional support - even if it is manipulative trauma BS emotional support...

still a manipulative coercive douchebag though.

nothing wrong with cryin so long as you get it out and move on.

the real prob is attempted suicide just because your boyfriend is cheating on you, that's pathetic. beat the shit outta him or get sweet revenge and then move on - but your life is worth way more than that!

LOL, congratulations you're now (almost) immortal! just like that, lol

i feel like "larger men" should be something like "high human" instead, which reminds me of "The New Gate." I've been enjoying the anime for that!

i seriously don't get how his parents have been together for like 20+ years (bein super duper lovey dovey as well) and still don't know each other's true species...

out of all the amazing feats and super duper stuff that happens in this story, the parents still thinking their spouse is human after 20 years together is what I find the most difficult to comprehend...

lol, Isaac looks like Dr. Strange - not the Benedict Cumberbatch version, but rather the old school cartoon/comic version

angel1 created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Yay! We get the childcare arc!!!
Always love a good BL with cute kids in it!

i love how she asks the maids to make her look as innocent as possible and they immediately ask who she's trying to mess with, lol!

angel1 created a topic of Infinite Skill Getter

MC is such a dumbass... yea let's put on some random collar this chick gives me, not suspicious at all...

angel1 created a topic of HUNTER WORLD'S GARDENER

i wish the character design was slightly different for either the guy or girl of those lovers. they keep saying things like lovers and significant other so i know they're a couple, but the two look so much alike that they look like siblings... i wish one of them had like a different hair color or something...

angel1 created a topic of To deny the route

can we all collectively agree that Jerry needs one of those giant bubble balls around him constantly cause i swear he is ridiculously fragile... like bro's stamina decreases just cause he has to walk around for a lil bit, etc...

angel1 created a topic of Tanaka Family Reincarnates

so i didn't have any issue with her Grandmother to begin with anyway, but now I absolutely love and adore her!

"Just because a woman is smarter than a man doesn't mean she has bad manners..."

is like the best freakin line ever! in this manga.

damn, what a cold-hearted bitch. i knew it but damn, at least show an inkling of mourning-
even if your father was a dumbass that got himself killed by ignoring repeated advice about how unsafe travel would be.

still some grief would be understandable, geez!

angel1 created a topic of Rainbow City

the eerie thing about this story is how easily i could see something like this happening now after having gone through the coronavirus/covid pandemic.

obviously this is fiction and very exaggerated, but i can see something similar happening in this day and age. considering how the powers that be in this world don't want cures but rather vaccines and how they try to control the masses in sneaky underhanded ways...

i bet that was the inspiration for this story, i'd believe it...

it's Zoro! Mr. Antonio Banderas makes an appearance, lol

seriously tho, that's totally gonna be the emperor. i was wondering where he was hangin out this whole time.

angel1 created a topic of Akuma-Kun No Amai Noroi

warning this is a teaser/promotional BL that looks more smut than wholesome...

so where's the rest of it?!!!

this might get an anime adaptation sometime in the near future... ugh...

I really wish there was a color page so I can see Kugii's eyes in color! I wanna see his eyes in color!!!