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Yesi created a topic of My Suha

He should have never got a side story to begin with. Antagonists are antagonists for a reason and when you place them as the MC, let us read their inner dialogue, see their struggles, make us sympathize with them, in a morbid way it makes us root for them even tho he’s done things that are nowhere near redeemable. There’s only two ways this side story could have played out and they are both terrible, redemption (which he has done things that redemption can’t atone for) and karma which no one with empathy wants to see, like the whole gang rape was gross and did not need to be be shown, and it again throws the reader into a dilemma of feeling bad for a bad character. I get that this ending is his karma, but imo if that is what the authors goal was, then that last panel should have been Dohyeok bawling his eyes out realizing what he lost and will never get back. This whole side story was not needed. (Plus why make Siwoo, Suhas BEST FRIEND, be his love interest, now he’s also a shitty person)