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loeyxc created a topic of Mad Dog

sehyuk sucking hamin off was super freaking hot if i was hamin i wouldve busted immediately

loeyxc created a topic of Yours to Claim

jooin is dumb as fuck now im not saying he should have ended up w Cain because he doesnt deserve Cain but if it was THAT easy for Jooin to make up with Yahwi then why didnt they fucking reconcile instead of dragging it out for multiple chapters/years

loeyxc created a topic of Jinx

i really aspire to be as delusional as Kim Dan

loeyxc created a topic of My Suha

(I wrote a whole summary but i accidentally refreshed and now all of its gone so im really paraphrasing what happens)

next chapter, theyre having sex. Siwoo starts blushinh when DH calls him “Siwoo-hyung” and becomes rlly rlly horny AW DH calls him a perv LOL “Siwoo, you like things like this? You’re a pervert.” After SW finishes inside of DH and DH also cums, DH leans in to kiss SW. Dohyeok tells Siwoo “Siwoo-hyung, come with me…. No… Please love me” (he looks so submissive and breedable in that panel RAH)


SW rejects DH telling him “There’s no use in you telling me that” to which DH tells him “Seo Siwoo, dont you think I mean it??” SW tells DH “We’re out of line, No matter how many times you ask, my answer is still the same. You know that too Park Dohyeok” DH is mad, punches the bed before leaning down and burying his face in SW shoulder. SW tells DH to move but realizes DH is crying!?! SW holds DH. I don’t know what was said except that DH tells Siwoo he’s the worst (AWW MY BABY uwu)

Theres a timeskip, DH is packing up his stuff. His assistant finds a scarf, one that SW gave to DH. DH goes to return the scarf to SW.

Meanwhile, SW is at his bar and his employees tell him that theres a man waiting for him. Its that black haired mystery dude idk his name. They walk out and as theyre walking, DH spots them. He starts to follow SW and his friend. DH looks kinda mad and his internal monologue is “Why am I following you? You’re already done with Siwoo. No, why did you come to the store in the first place?… Okay lets at least show our faces. Just once before you leave.”

DH follows them into an alley. The black hair dude tells SW “I actually asked people around me about you Siwoo. About your relationships and preferences. I can match everything, I really like you” and he hugs SW. SW is surprised and tells dude to wait and hang on but then he spots DH looking at them. SW thinks “I thought you were already gone. Why are you…” SW thinks the best way to get DH to quit is by kissing the black haired dude. I dont rlly understand but SW says “The store and our company.. The reason I can be swayed by you is gone” DH looks surprised. SW grabs black hair guy hand and tells him “It’s cold… Lets go Ill take you home”

DH thinks to himself “On the day I was completely rejected, I knew I couldn’t convince you. I know it will repeat when I see your face. Even if its a little excuse like this Siwoo, I’m here to see you. I kept thinking about you” Dohyeok has a very pained expression on his face. “You said we’re already out of line, but youre the only one who acts consciously. You know the truth. You…You’ll never get out of me. I won’t let you go. I’ll be back to see you” and DH walks away, wearing the scarf.


loeyxc created a topic of Limited Run

im not the strongest person because i wouldve been back on that dick from the moment he took me out to eat

loeyxc created a topic of Full volume

dowon cant give his grandad a great grandkid but i can give his grandpa a son

loeyxc asked a question

Okay guys I need your help cause I’ve been searching for this manhwa for ages … Basically it was this guy who worked as a waiter at a casino (I guess), he was bringing some drinks in a room, he opens the door and there a guy (I guess the top) fucking someone on a pool table (ig) ALL I REMEMBER WAS THE TOP HAVING DARK HAIR AND PURPLE EYES

loeyxc created a topic of My Suha


It starts off from the previous chapter. Siwoo and Dohyeok are arguing. Siwoo asks why DH wants to take revenge? Who spends that much money and energy to threaten a sex partner. It seems like you like me/are attached to me. DH thinks “Yeah… Why did I turn to you? It wasn’t like this at first. Did I get attached because (idk what it said here but ig he meant hooked up??)” Then DH says “You… Yeah I need you” SW is confused “Okay you need me but you” DH cuts him off “No, it means I want you”

One of them grabs the other by the hand and leads them into an alleyway so they can argue there lol.
I’m too lazy to summarize so here are my dookie translations lol :P

S: Well… *scratches head* What do you mean by that?
D: Its quite literally.
S: So that… sounds like its not limited to sex. Do you like me?
D: …I think so/Something like that.
S: It’s the same thing…
S: I feel dirty. Park Do-hyeok. Are you telling me to believe you? Who acts like this to someone you like? You’re playing with me. Isn’t that too much of a joke?
D: I’m not kidding.
S: You have to be kidding. Excuse me, I… I was worried for you because I became fond of you…
D: Did you worry about me? Why?
S: ! It’s him… Its just… Because you’ve been in a weird state all this time…
D: Then keep worrying. You dont like the situation? You can like me now too. (I guess he’s saying since Siwoo worries for him, it must mean he likes him too)
S: How does that make sense?
D: Why not, how can you not like me. I’ll be nice to you
S: … It’s not happening. Dohyeok, I told you, if you live like that, no one will stay (with you). Honestly, the fact that you like me, I can see you’re trying to mess with me…. So you’re done talking right? I’m going to get going now. Let’s not meet again.
D: I still haven’t figured it out.

Dohyeok punches Siwoo. Siwoo says “what are you doing?” Siwoo grabs onto DH collar and gets a flashback, he lets go of his collar and says “Okay if you want to hit me, Hit me. I wont see you again” DH says “Thats not going to work” and hits Siwoo against the wall. DH says “Seo Siwoo?” And SW falls to the floor. SW is seen on the floor bleeding from his head. “Hey…Siwoo!” People gather around, saying call 119z and yea… erm

loeyxc created a topic of Mr. Kang's Son-in-law

me personally i hate both mfs. the son is weird and the dad is weird too! but if i had to choose, definitely the dad and im NOT just saying that because i love DILFS (that’s actually the only thing he has going for him)

loeyxc created a topic of My Suha

(Take this with a grain of salt)! But basically near the end, I guess Siwoo blocked/stop taking Dohyeok’s calls. Dohyeok shows up to Siwoo’s door basically being like ‘are you surprised im here? whats your excuse’ and Siwoo is like ‘Theres no reason to make an excuse. I blocked you because I wanted to. You came to the right place, I want to tell you something” Then tells Dohyeok that he doesn’t want to see his face anymore. “This is the last time I’ll see your face” Dohyeok says “Who decided that? You still-“ and Siwoo tells him “I dont have to be tied to you anymore” Siwoo accuses Dohyeok of interfering with his work and how is it even possible for him to do that. Dohyeok’s like wth are you talking about?

Dohyeok gets mad “Siwoo, do you think Im here without a reason? I’m putting pressure on you because its going to help my group.” And Siwoo is angry telling Dohyeok “What good are you doing when a large company touches a medium or small sized company?” (i might be missing some context here >_<) But Dohyeok grabs Siwoo’s hand. Dohyeok tells Siwoo “Yes, like this! You keep turning away from me and leaving. Look at me. What do you want me to do?” Siwoo asks Dohyeok “Let me ask you something. Why are you doing this to me? Do you still want to take revenge on me that much? Who spends time and money to threaten a sex partner? It seems like I’m the person you really need/it seems like you need me…” and that’s when Dohyeok tells Siwoo “You… Yeah, I need you” AHHHHH

loeyxc created a topic of My Suha


loeyxc created a topic of Finder

what’s a girl gotta do to have a hot mafia boss fall in love with her? need me an asami except without all the violence lol

loeyxc created a topic of Limited Run

brief spoilers for chapters 71/72
hate/angry sex next chapter?!? chapter 71, they both look mad. its all just sex scenes until the end where mr. kwon initiates a kiss to yeon oh, yeon-oh gets a flashback and tells black hair dude to not kiss him. idk whats happened at the start of chapter 72 cuz i cant read korean but after the kiss, yeon-oh puts his clothes back on??? and goes home. at the end of the chapter tho , black hair dude has dinner with yeonoh (yeon-oh did not know he was gonna be there) and mr. kwon asks him “how are you doing after that day… I’m just here because i miss you”

loeyxc created a topic of Semantic Error

jihye ate, wiped, and cleared the table with him

loeyxc created a topic of Limited Run

if i was yeonoh i wouldve slid a couple racks down my pocket tf i look like leaving behind a billion won

loeyxc created a topic of Love Is An Illusion


loeyxc created a topic of Yours to Claim

they all need to just become a polycule, have a 3some and get it over with.