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VolcanoFan1 like photo (from AW)
VolcanoFan1 created a topic of Jinx

The actor hottie shouldn't underestimate Potato, especially if that's his future sweetie.

VolcanoFan1 like the answer
Sorry for the crusty pictures lol I have like 8 cats. One of the cats gave birth to 4 kitties like a week ago. And believe it or not, I am a dog person, but I still find cats extremely adorable
VolcanoFan1 created a topic of The Boy And The Wolf

.. but whatever I read was hysterical! It means the uke in main story will end up pregnant & have a kid that wears a mask, right?

VolcanoFan1 created a topic of Jinx

... no, not possible. At all. Jaekyung has feelings for himself, and zero other. Out of the question, absolutely 110%. Right?