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Thirsty rose's question ( All 2 )

Is it okay to vent to random people on social media ?
There's this girl on twitter whom I talk to often & I really want to be friends with her but she ignores me when I say "I wanna know more abt, tell me what's going on " she only focuses on me but I feel like its uncomfortable ...I follow psychiatrist on insta & they say venting to someone who goes through the same issues creates a trauma bond & u should do that with a therapist ...I don't really wanna hurt anybody but...just talk cause I have no friends irl nor on social media I'm really trying ..loneliness is hard & idk how to love/appreciate myself & be there for myself when I'm having bad days ..facing problems is super scary
05 07,2021
about question
Thirsty rose 19 03,2021
Hey y'all
I've been trying to find a song that have been stuck in my head forever , its a Japanese song that is really really calm the singer is a female with a very tender voice she starts singing after 2 or 3 minutes . all I could remember from the lyrics in the beginning is the word "memories" this song helped me with my anxiety attack when im in public and I listened to it whenever I couldn't sleep idk why I thought it was a soundtrack from the anime "one week friends "but I'm not sure I didn't find anything it would be a amazing if anyone can help me find it ┗( T﹏T )┛
19 03,2021

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