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Amimori January 2, 2024 7:29 am

Honestly, I completely understand ML’s frustrations and feelings about MC distrusting him. I do feel some sort of pity for him because the argument and conversations mirror many from his past.

Though, I’d like to stay neutral because I do sincerely feel for both. MC went into the relationship knowing that ML slept with clients and it seems backhanded to ML that MC suddenly isn’t comfortable with it anymore.

Now here comes the kicker! It’s more than okay, perfectly and so basically understandable as to why MC’s views changed. When a relationship is just starting, especially in a situation like this, sometimes you’ll get confident that you’re able to handle it. When you analyze the MC’s personality he seems like a genuinely understanding person. I don’t think he’s asking for a detailed breakdown about why ML wants to continue sleeping with his clients rather than just focusing on the stripping part. It seems that they both have genuine feelings and care for each other, but when you factor in the multiple times that ML says he doesn’t sleep with clients for money, but because he wants to. Dare I say, chooses to out of his own volition and free will it feels a bit… icky?

Now, MC didn’t use any commanding words when addressing his concerns. He asked, in contrast to demanding, if ML could possibly not do the second part and just do stripping. He didn’t ask him to quit his job entirely, but if he could stop sleeping with his clients. If you take their specific situation it seems like a simple ask yes? You ask your partner whom you’re sexually and emotionally committed to (on both ends) to stop sleeping with other people. Now bring in their situation. Sex workers, a majority at least because I wouldn’t want to assume, do it for money, for transactional reasons. ML has stated that he will not, for any reason, sleep with people he doesn’t want to sleep with. He’s also stated that he does not do it for money as well. The natural progression of a conversation like this is of course, to ask. Why?

Which is what MC did. He asked for at least a reason. If ML isn’t quite comfortable yet, perhaps doesn’t trust MC enough to fully have him be privy to his reasons he can simply communicate “I’m not quite comfortable saying my reason yet.” In a situation like this, acting out defensively, shutting out your partner, and becoming somewhat aggressive will escalate the situation horribly. Which is, what he did unfortunately.

Now, let’s move on to MC’s errors. Of course, yes, he knew what he was getting into. He’s dating a sex worker. The connotations that come with those who do sex work is that it is because of income. This is work, like any other job, you do what your job entails to earn money. You do not have the authority to demand your partner to quit when you told them you’re okay with that when you guys start dating. Of course, it’s not criminal to have a change of heart. Your partner tells you that they’re not doing it for money so again the same question comes up. So why? Insecurity arises. If MC is unable to continue with the predetermined agreements and his previous acceptance of ML’s job then he should, in my opinion, in order to stop both parties from being hurt recognize that it might not work out.

It’s not quite a drastic jump to break up. Of course, working it out is always a great and wonderful option. It’s when one party isn’t able to open up and the other party is insecure that working it out just doesn’t seem possible. To minimize the heartache and stress for both of them they should break up… or at least take a break.

Now that’s the logic in me. Emotionally, if my partner is a sex worker and I start to go back on my promises of being understanding. I would take a step back, seek reassurance from them and ask what their reason is to continue sleeping with clients if it’s not for money. If I am asking them calmly, without any accusatory tones, but rather in a “I’m just a bit lost and seeking some reassurance. I trust you, but I’m a bit in my own head.” If instead of letting me know that they’re not quite comfortable sharing yet, they lash out, violently punch a piece of furniture, scream that it’s none of my business (though we are emotionally invested in each other) and tell me to leave? I would simply have to leave and not in a, leave the house way, but leave the relationship way. Staying together would prolongate both our stress, cause more confusion and heartache. I recognize that I’m in the wrong because I betrayed my promise to them and questioned their motives although I said I was accepting. At the same time, I also recognize now that my feelings and boundaries have changed and it isn’t right to him or I to keep this relationship going.

At the end of the day, that’s just me though, another random person on the internet writing a damn essay LMAOOO

    erih__ January 4, 2024 4:38 am


    blue bird January 6, 2024 5:24 pm

    The seme likes having sex with his clients it's just that simple

    The seme told on his self when he said he didn't want to sleep with the brother. So that means all of his clients he sleeps with is because he wants too. The seme said he turns down clients he doesn't want to sleep with so that means the clients he sleeps with is because he wants to sleep with them. Thats it he a jerk but he sex worker so do people expect.........

    blue bird January 6, 2024 5:33 pm

    Also, it not the uke fault because maybe at the being of the relationship he just liked the seme but now that they have spent time together his like turned into love. And now he doesn't want the person he loves to do part 2. But I feel like the uke never liked part2 he just agreed in order to keep the seme/relationship. But now he loves cares for the seme so it different now

    hatdiggitydog January 6, 2024 11:13 pm
    The seme likes having sex with his clients it's just that simple The seme told on his self when he said he didn't want to sleep with the brother. So that means all of his clients he sleeps with is because he wa... blue bird

    bro? sorry but that's not even a little bit true. yoogon says he has sex as a business transaction and that's it. plus, the author still hasn't even revealed why yoogon has sex with clients and it is obviously way deeper than that dumb reason you made up. he is not a jerk you just literally do not understand his character.

    blue bird January 6, 2024 11:53 pm
    bro? sorry but that's not even a little bit true. yoogon says he has sex as a business transaction and that's it. plus, the author still hasn't even revealed why yoogon has sex with clients and it is obviously ... hatdiggitydog

    I can't wait to the raws get translated so you see what happens in the story
    Especially happen with the seme!!!

    hatdiggitydog January 7, 2024 12:17 am
    I can't wait to the raws get translated so you see what happens in the storyEspecially happen with the seme!!!(▰˘◡˘▰) blue bird

    i read the raws and have seen them. still nothing that implies whatever you just said.

    blue bird January 7, 2024 12:27 am
    i read the raws and have seen them. still nothing that implies whatever you just said. hatdiggitydog

    Well then I don't understand how you don't understand that the seme is a jerk
    Seme goes to work for the uke jerk brother and you don't think the seme is not a jerk????????? Huh?????? (-.-)

    hatdiggitydog January 7, 2024 10:44 pm
    Well then I don't understand how you don't understand that the seme is a jerkSeme goes to work for the uke jerk brother and you don't think the seme is not a jerk????????? Huh?????? (-.-) blue bird

    im sorry but you are literally so stupid and braindead you should not be reading stories like this. HE HASNT REVEALED WHY HE DID THAT. the author hasn't fucking revealed why yoogon chose to do that. yoogon is not an asshole he hasn't been an asshole since the start of the series so why would he turn into an asshole now get that through your fucking head. NOTHING IS SHOWN YET WE DONT KNOW ANYTHING AND UNTIL WE DO STOP MAKING STUPID ASSUMPTIONS.

Amimori December 25, 2023 12:20 pm

i literally dropped this, came back to see if the latest chapter showed improvement, ran straight to the comments to rant about how this chapter made me start to dislike the MC although i supported him at first. went through the comments for a laugh because i was hoping we were all on the same page for the ex offering MC a harsh, but needed reality check, but instead genuinely became more aggravated at a commenter/troll than i am at the ML. LMAO?

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