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FungyToes created a topic of Terrarium Adventure

Mystique you need to take a chill pill xD I love you but don't do anything your master doesn't want you to do

FungyToes created a topic of 19 Days

Little Mo just fell even harder for him xD I’m sure he would of said yes to anything he said

FungyToes created a topic of Jinx

I can't deny I like red flags

FungyToes created a topic of Terrarium Adventure

I too want a weed plant Druid lmao.. Monkshood she looks adorably handsome xD

FungyToes created a topic of Jinx

what fucken part do you like about this man ?? He threw a soda over your head which is not part of the agreement when being intimate but as an employee like bruh you like red flags sir

FungyToes created a topic of Terrarium Adventure

ITS OK MONKS HOOD -sniffles- your just a baby… -monk hood grows- … Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) when did you.. lol

FungyToes created a topic of 19 Days

Hetian having heart eye surgery ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ I Know that snap was him wanting to pounce on him and I'm sure he did xD

Sorry but im going with Duke Lumiester there isn't any reason why you can hate him if anything.. he was the first to believe in her regardless of gender and background, he respected every decision she made even if it made him worry, he never held a secret from her and is always honest..he confessed but didn't press her like the prince already calling her his women like WTF bruh she already turn you down suckit up and take it like a man.. even if other man showed up Duke kept it cool and proffesional even if he is jealous of AZ ..Az is great but I see nothing more than a supporting character with many secrets.. it even hurt me seeing Duke feel sad when he sees her get touchy with other man and made me so happy asking for consent for a kiss

FungyToes created a topic of 19 Days

We have been waiting since 2015 we know how to wait patiently now

The story is cute and I like it ..but the way she eats i find it scary it reminds me of a titan from attack om titans.. other then that is all good lol

FungyToes created a topic of 19 Days


I stop reading because the translation and official translation.. is it fix now ?

FungyToes created a topic of Beauty and the Beasts

Yup I’m still reading this just cause I wanna see the horrible ending bruh

Nuh uh you gotta be joking right.???. what happened to her brother? And sarapi?? Broooo nuh uh I refuse this ending since it took sooooo long for updates

Clears throat......ehummm..NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ fuck**** sh**** only one f***Ken chapter

Lol I can't see the picture for the new updates neither on the home page ..anyone else ??

Lord have mercy only 7 chapters.. I can't Dx I have to hold back and let this story manirate .. ┗( T﹏T )┛ I'll see you guys in 2 months