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YiaChan82 created a topic of Double Bell

The story with the 2 emperors(In the mood for love)...shit
I'm crying

YiaChan82 created a topic of Cozy Obsession
YiaChan82 created a topic of unprecedented

No offence to the translator ,and thank you for uploading this but can we have a better translation please and a new font tht one doesn't help at all when reading from my phone

YiaChan82 created a topic of Night of the Unmarked

Please someone spoil me,cause i cant find novel spoilers anywhere !

Yacchan x Tamura hoping for a miracle

Anyone please upload the rest of it (Takane no Hana wa Midasaretai,has 3 volumes ,still.ongoing)
i wanna see their daughter

YiaChan82 created a topic of Black or White

11 volumes at the moment
Probably I'll have grandchildren by the time we have eng translations

Not me re-reading this for the 58373727273747277373627 time
My favourite omegaverse of them all!!!!
For me ,Kudou & Miyauchi are the lead couple and the 1st couple was just for the introduction...
And I'm really pissed cause nobody ever thought to animate it!!! #apetitionforthistobeanimated

Alt name :Fast Travel: Addictive Relationship
You can find 17 chapters elsewhere

YiaChan82 created a topic of Brotherly XX

It's not an incest!!!!
Uke's parents die when he was a young boy and think seme's dad knew them so he took him in their family

Its a 5- Chapter story

YiaChan82 created a topic of Killer Peter



Kageo is still least for chapters 39/40
New chara enter the game...

How can you end season 1 like that dear author-nim ...we have to wait till autumn??? You are killing me

YiaChan82 created a topic of Risky Vice

I've seen the raws till ch 24...
What the hell is going on with the author,wth going on w/t story and art is getting worse...

YiaChan82 created a topic of Paid to Fondle

2nd chapter
Ehmm....what happened???

They're classmates

YiaChan82 created a topic of Dear My Killer Tune

Let me help you with the chapters a bit

Chapter 1 has 2 parts
The 1st part ends @ "THAT'S HIME!!!NO WAY IT CAN'T BE" in chapter 2
Ithe 2nd part starts after the characters introduction in chapter 2 and ends at the " i didn't say anything weird,right?..." (Before the introduction) In chapter 3

You can check the raws at pivix


YiaChan82 created a topic of Killer Peter

Im sure .Kageo wants to die so he can be together with Yuika again but ...
Peter & Simon go help/save him!!!

YiaChan82 created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

The 1st chapter of spin-off is out guys!!!!!
Our cute baby ...he is his daddy's copy-paste lol but has mum's eyes

YiaChan82 created a topic of Acanthus

Completed with 41 chapters