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zeira03 created a topic of Jinx

Poor Dan, he suffered a lot to the point that the barest minimum of human decency from Jaekyung (He’s hot but man he’s freaking insufferable) makes his heart flutter. My gosh, you’re able bodied please stand up. I bet it’ll be a year or two before Jaekyung becomes less of an a-hole so for the time being we’ll just be seeing the never ending suffering of a one-sided love.

zeira03 created a topic of Continued Love

The novel ended on a good note what the fudge are these side stories. I worry so much about Lu tao’s brain. I wonder if he’ll ever fully recover. Give us actual Alternate universe stories please ╥﹏╥


Oh my freaking gosh Asmodeus!

zeira03 created a topic of Omega Complex

What is Alpha Trauma? Is that gonna be the author’s new work? Is there no more side stories? I wanna see the baby

zeira03 created a topic of Day Off

More please. I wanna see them lovey-dovey and I also wanna see more of the first couple

zeira03 created a topic of Jinx

Oh my gosh there is nothing lovable about that man.

zeira03 created a topic of Limited Run

grovel grovel grovel more. I don’t care how many chapters it’ll take but I just want Jaehyuk to grovel so much more.

Nah as much as I love Wowo, I’m not quite feeling all this new characters being introduced. I couldn’t care less especially about the stepfather. I thought we would see more of the other two couples (Dr and Xiao mao, Ah Si and Xinnian). At this point I’m only looking forward to chibi Wowo’s shenanigans.

zeira03 created a topic of Continued Love

I don’t know where this is going anymore. Seems like the “plot” is all over the place. The robot thing isn’t done. The doctor saying cryptic stuff and now their son telling his father with amnesia that he’s cheng jin’s brother. Like what the actual f? I thought we would have literal Alternate universe side stories not the same universe with Lu tao just having amnesia so many times.

zeira03 created a topic of The Origin of Species

I want what they have. Youngjin deserves to be spoiled, loved and cared for.

zeira03 created a topic of Work Love Balance

Seriously these two characters are not the one from the first book especially Mr. Kang, like who tf possessed him to say those things to Yiyoung. This is a huge downgrade. I don’t think they have an idea how to extend this story. It lost its sparks.