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HotDaddysWIFE created a topic of Bye Bye

I'm really confused like did the side story happened before the unborn baby died? Or after it died?? Did he have a 2nd child or its the first and last ????

HotDaddysWIFE created a topic of Gentle Forest

He's giving birth and his life is in critical condition mainly due to his weak lungs. As a reader auntie, I don't want him to have 2nd child, he'll most likely won't survive it (Dw he won't have 2nd child, because they only have 1 child in novel)

HotDaddysWIFE created a topic of Mary Jane

So he's already developed a sexual masochistic paraphilic disorder in his childhood damn doctor needs an actual therapy doctor

HotDaddysWIFE created a topic of A Tree Without Roots


What I am pissed is that Claude did not pay the price of being A BAD FATHER.... I hated it because Athy endured being hated and forgotten, it's really sad that she thought of running away

This not a compliment.

She's a bitch, a literal whore, worthless, unnecessary, a nobody

She's not a good bitch nor bad bitch, she just a slut who only knows how to sell her body, she's a prostitute, she sold her body to get people to support her, for what? Her son ewwwww no, it's for th crown. She's a whore

HotDaddysWIFE created a topic of Stockholm syndrome

Binge read this for like a day and wtf was that lmao

HotDaddysWIFE created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Can someone spoil the side chapters for me???

HotDaddysWIFE created a topic of Owari no Seraph


HotDaddysWIFE created a topic of Only Kind to Me

So his villain era started because he peed his pants, that's actually normal to kids soooo little guy don't need to feel embarrassed

HotDaddysWIFE created a topic of The Tosa's Master

I don't even feel bad tbh......

HotDaddysWIFE created a topic of Gentle Forest

I don't wanna complain but who am I to complain? How dare I.

Anyway, please try to use arial fonts, this is just a suggestion, the fonts that you're using is a bit off for what they're delivering but then again incase that you're offended, please don't take my suggestion to heart, I don't want the translator getting angry, I'm not forcing, if you like that font so much, that's on you

It was red flag on how it started and greenflag as they progresses

Should have given grandma a heart attack so this sh1t don't have to take too long

HotDaddysWIFE created a topic of Macguffin

What I want is for the child to forget the existence of the btch who called herself "his biological mother" she literally cared for the child for purpose of becoming a sugar baby and what next? If she succeeded, she will surely abuse the child and kill him

She really needs to go to the doctor, the fever seems persistent, usually you'll be slowly gaining strength by the third day of fever

Damn I can't say anything when it's religion vs religion