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Misaqi created a topic of Diss Love

omg hyunho is so cute. lmfao when he copied MC's actions and his reason for that

Misaqi created a topic of Revenge Guide

I mean, considering seme's obsessive behaviour and that he confessed to beating up ppl around MC in high school, i would've also thought that he was up to no good again lmao

not the random lady relative who appeared and disappeared in the blink of an eye...

Misaqi created a topic of Heart Racer

after seeing the raws, i think shiyoon loves taesung a lot and shows it through his actions.

on the other hand, taesung puts too much meaning in having to say "i love you" but can't even trust shiyoon and avoids him until he gains evidence

Misaqi created a topic of Dramatic Signal
Misaqi created a topic of The S-Classes That I Raised

officer song never fails to disappoint ( ̄へ ̄)just when i thought he could be alright.

Misaqi created a topic of Someone Like You

mom is lucky that MC is nice.

it's very hard to feel sorry for her. i love how his boyfriend is just like "no organs!" LOL

I thought he would throw the hugeass dildo at that damn couple at least

i'm glad everything's over. the aunt is stupid. she could have taken better care of her nephew instead of mistreating him if she feels so guilty. she's lucky yanagi sensei didn't grow up to be hateful. i still find her behaviour ridiculous and disgusting.

i'm so glad yanagi said he won't visit again. asanaga is so sweet, and i'm glad he was there. love it when he said that there's no need to make amends.

Misaqi created a topic of Jinx

the comments here are killing me HAHAHAHAH

Firstly, what's with the overtime work obsession? If something can be done more efficiently, why not? Jio's reasoning sounds stupid for someone with supposedly good leadership. I'm kinda pissed with his work ethics. It further highlights the power imbalance between him and MC.

As if calling people "babe" and "honey" aren't considered a form of sexual harassment as well. He just gets away with it because he's good-looking, that's all. :')

Misaqi created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

Hate taeseung blondie and everyone except sooyoung; if sooyoung gets beaten up again it's all back to square one

Why are taeseung and blondie so useless? They want sooyoung so bad but can't even protect him properly and only end up getting him involved in their shit

Misaqi created a topic of Ashtarte

I'm so glad ashtarte isn't giving in to her brothers and father so easily. I'm even happier after seeing some spoilers of what happens after, and I just can't wait for more! <3

Misaqi created a topic of Peach blossom

I wish we're able to report chapters which are wrongly uploaded