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monkey88 December 18, 2020 5:17 am

Everyone has that one story; the story that they'll never forget even if they tried. It's the kinda story that sticks with you well after you've finished reading it. Maybe it was truly lovely or maybe it hit you right in the feels...

...what's your story? I want to read what you guys put as your (ONE) favorite/most memorable story. Please include a link to the mangago page if you would be so kind~

*P.S. mine is due to it being the 1st manga I ever read to make me cry and how I still can't forget it years later. Not for the faint of heart though.

monkey88 December 1, 2020 6:11 am

I know like Isekai, being reborn into a royal family seems to be a female dominated trend but I was wondering if there were any based around a male MC? It doesn't need to be BL per-se (though the more, the better imo) but some undertones would be nice.

I was thinking something like Kyo Kara Maoh but maybe more of th Royal part (like Suddenly becoming a princess/Why are you doing this, my Duke). Any suggestions? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

monkey88 November 20, 2020 6:05 am

So as most people reading this would know, there are many types of homosexual based reads out there. Not listed above is Yuri and Shoujo-ai (as I do not read them) but each one has a different kind of reader imo.
So there's Shonen Ai-
(Translates to "Boys Love", generally cute and free of hardcore tags but can be set with tragic or psychological if darker. No explicit sex--no lightsabers.)
Then there is Yaoi-
(Probably the most common type. Focuses on story and sensuality both. Has explicit sex, with hot light-saber action and can range from sickeningly sweet to straight up traumatic.)
Finally, there is the Smut-
(Smut it...smutty. It's basically porn, just drawn and can sometimes have a plot but usually won't go into depth. The main intent of this type is seemingly to get one's rocks off. Explicit sex is the majority of the work and may or may not be censored.)
-There is also Doujinshi but they can be any of the above~
SO, the point to the above is that I was wondering--what do you all read and WHY? I personally find Shonen-ai to be for plot (I read it at work when I am free), Yaoi for either-or, and Smut for self-pleasure. Is this true for you all as well? Sometimes I will find a shonen-ai and it will have a scene or two and I'll be all like "This is Yaoi, not shonen-ai!" this an accurate mislabel or just really raunchy shonen-ai?

What are your thoughts?

    Nemuiro November 20, 2020 6:21 am

    I prefer Yaoi. I just want to see the development *.*

    Lil D November 20, 2020 6:49 am

    I think shounen AI is a manga without s3x scene it's just about like puppy love or something?

    I mostly like reading yaoi for the plot and s3x scene

    YesButLikeNo November 20, 2020 6:51 am

    yaoi is BL with smut and shounen ai is BL without smut.
    Smut = Porn Yaoi = (BL) Smut Yaoi = Porn
    Smut isn't its own type of BL, its something that is contained in yaoi (if we're excluding other genres and focusing on BL). Just wanted to clarify this ~ (▰˘◡˘▰)

    I mean, it depends on the day for me. Sometimes I want to see the action in bed, other days, just something fluffy for me will do. Shounen ai and Yaoi don't really have a difference apart from that one doesn't have explicit sexual content and the other one does, the quality of the story all comes down to the author's ability to balance the story.

    BUT, generally:

    If the main tone of the story is a fluffy love story, like highschool, and the MC have an innocent love, then I would prefer it to be without shown sex. But at the same time, like another user stated, having sex is definately a huge development in a relationship, so it would be nice to see MCs relationship progress.

    Currently, in this moment, I would say I enjoy shounen ai more. Because I can read hardcore stuff with a straight face but when it comes with f l u f f istg, my heart- And I would much prefer it to remain a non-explicit story. I could never fathom Star x Fanboy to have smut, for example.

    Lil D November 20, 2020 6:59 am
    yaoi is BL with smut and shounen ai is BL without smut. Smut = Porn Yaoi = (BL) Smut Yaoi = PornSmut isn't its own type of BL, its something that is contained in yaoi (if we're excluding other genres and... YesButLikeNo

    "Because I can read hardcore stuff with a straight face but when it comes with fluff istg, my heart-" .... Dude Same XD

monkey88 November 6, 2020 6:21 am

So I know this has been brought up at some point but as time passes, my hopes increase.

Do we have any yaoi based isekai (aside from "Wild Love of Beasts")? I know there are a lot of WN and LN out there as I've read a few but the closest to a manga version has been Kyo Kara Maoh! (amazing btw but barely shonen-ai, nvm yaoi). There is this one manga I read ages ago but it only had like 4ch at that time. It was about this straight guy who was transported to this alternate world where he was found on the street by this hot dude and taken home to his 2 other brothers. All the while, the mc is like "eww don't hit on me I'm not gay" but the reveal was that the 3 brothers who were all flirting with him aren't gay either and don't even wanna flirt with a dude but since the mc is "their mc" they have to play the part of the harem guys. That was the last ch I read so anything even close to these things would be wonderful!

    anon November 6, 2020 8:19 am

    You’re talking about this one right?

    I also wish there was more bl isekai and my memory is failing me rn but i’ll try—

    -This one’s probs the most accurate to an otome game isekai BL, esp. since it’s adapted from a novel itself but there’s not a lot of chaps yet.

    -There’s a few diff world transportation ones. The first one I thought of was:
    Similar to Kyou Kara Maoh in its shoujo/shounen-ai agenda and the very sad lack of romance. But idk if it counts as isekai and has what you want

    -This isn’t BL, but it has the exact same comedy vibes as I Took A Trip To An Otome Game. They’re really, really similar in its concept and it’s just hilarious:

    Rlly sorry I can’t help that much but maybe looking at tags or lists could help?
    There’s more out there in similar lists and tags

    marrion November 6, 2020 8:52 am

    (⊙…⊙ ) You are bringing back a old pain of mine. I want a yaoi isekai too! There is to be or not to be. And there is this apricot one too.. But both are taking too long to update.
    Thank you for giving the name of a manga though. That last one sounds like it will send me to a murderous rage so am gonna pass on that.

    marrion November 6, 2020 9:01 am

    (⊙…⊙ ) You are bringing back a old pain of mine. I want a yaoi isekai too! There is" to be or not to be." And there is this "The beauty of appricot forest" too.. But both are taking too long to update.
    Thank you for giving the name of a manga though. That last one sounds like it will send me to a murderous rage so am gonna pass on that.
    Nvm.. It is on my already read list- this is the one I ♂ Took A Trip to an Otome Game
    Another is an isekai that should be yaoi- Isekai Tensei, Ore ga Otome ge de Kyuuseishu. It is not shounen ai even.. II.II

    Thespiss November 6, 2020 9:09 am

    I was Reborn as the Villainess' Father and I Need XXX to Survive!?
    The titan's bride
    Trip lovers
    Black forest-Trip lovers-
    Tale of the yellow dragon

monkey88 September 3, 2020 8:06 am

So I saw the 1st few chapters on another site over a year ago and haven't been able to find it since.

It's about this young black-winged angel who's attending school in Heaven with all the other white-winged angels who shun him for his wing color. In the end, the only other black-winged angel (Michael? Gabriel? some kinda cliché name) who was banished came outta no where, took this black-winged kid and was preparing to yaoi him from there. All the while, the "God" of this Heaven just holds a conversation with the banished black-winged dude and lets him leave with the kid.

Anyone know the name? I don't recall if it was shonen-ai or yaoi but it hadn't developed past the point of the abduction so idk how it goes from there.

monkey88 August 29, 2020 10:12 am

So I mean, there are thousands of manga on here and most of them are lovey dovey or at least tame. What I wanna know is what's the most "wtf" manga you've read here? I am focusing on non-doujinshi but yaoi is fine so long as it has a plot. Even if the plot is crazy.

For instance, mine would probably be "Hogu Hagyeongsu" as it's traumatic, heart-wrenching, and literally made me cry due to the plot (it's ALLLL about rape, and not the pretty manga kind, the, you just got violated by your loved one horrific kind)

Please list just the 1 that you can't forget if you tried :P plz and ty

    ali August 29, 2020 10:17 am

    it's on mrm, but it was "orc's bride". the mutilation was so...disturbing lmao.

    WonTon August 29, 2020 10:29 am

    I mean usually I would say feeding lamb. But I think he beginning of madk is pretty messed up. Literally a whole chapter of eating organs

    LilTinyVamp August 29, 2020 11:26 am
    it's on mrm, but it was "orc's bride". the mutilation was so...disturbing lmao. ali

    Same. I actually got sick and wanted to cry. The only other thing that ever did that to me was watching just a few clips from “A Siberian Film”

    Eduardo24 August 29, 2020 11:52 am

    Mai-chan’s daily life ......... I will never recover I was on a mission a few years ago to read the most fucked up hentais (did this for months) and the shit I saw ..... yeah no

    Eduardo24 August 29, 2020 12:23 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! monkey88

    LMAO IM DEAD I remember explaining the story to my friend and all the repressed memories came back to me I made my friend physically sick and she asked me to stop speaking She asked what was so fucked about this story and I warn her so many times it’s really bad and I don’t want to ruin her and she still wanted to hear it soon enough she regretted that lol

    Ami August 29, 2020 12:32 pm
    LilTinyVamp August 29, 2020 1:41 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! monkey88

    The author of MADK said he loved “180 days of Sodom” so much he bought the DVD. All I thought was, “Dear God, I know MADK is a bit disturbing already but please don’t let *that* influence his work!”
    Hey if anyone likes MADK you should watch that movie :D

    Licorice August 29, 2020 3:52 pm

    For me i guess MADK, it's yaoi but there's got a lot of gore, and weirdly i like it even though i don't usually read gore... Here's the link

    niki August 30, 2020 12:35 am

    Immoral sex. Cute guy has a following because he posts pictures online, gets picked up by a fan who ruins his life by live streaming them having sex and exposing his face. The suicidal uke gets revenge

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