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OldXianStan created a topic of Shitasaki Kara Koi

I thought my eyes were messing with me when i started reading about cakes and forks…

OldXianStan created a topic of For Your Love

W Mum - she definitely knows what’s up but doesn’t want to force them to tell her (▰˘◡˘▰)

OldXianStan created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Why does Tak’s way of standing in the last panel look like such an NPC??

OldXianStan created a topic of Nomi×Shiba

Who invited Mr predatory tutor? All I want to see is Miyai and Nakaoji, not grooming (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

OldXianStan created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Wow, even his confession has to be irritating

I’m always taken aback by decent people like random hotel guy in questionable mangas like this

OldXianStan created a topic of Daraku Kazoku-ron

You could laugh at the Mum’s callousness if it weren’t for the life of difficulty she selfishly set her own kid up for

OldXianStan created a topic of Chirijiri Yuku no

I suppose that’s one way to reject someone and also give them lifelong trauma…

OldXianStan created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

With a father like that, it’s no surprise Tak turned out as repressed and emotionally deadpan as he is…

OldXianStan created a topic of Onna no Sono no Hoshi

Oh man, as wholesome as it is that Hoshi has such a cute family, it doesn’t make it feel any less of a punch to the stomach when you’ve been shipping him with Kobayashi this whole time (/TДT)/

OldXianStan created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

As much of an asshole as Tak is, if he got punched just for liking guys, that’s not the punch he deserves.

If it was for what a shitty personality he has and how he treated Sanho with not an ounce of tact, hell yeah I’m glad he got that punch (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Gotta love how this didn’t need to have frustrating misunderstandings to create an interesting and thought-provoking plot.

Also, that panel with the spiral frames was so unique! Don’t think I’ve seen that done in another manga yet.

Long haired Satoshi is cute but short hair also looks stunning ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

OldXianStan created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Gotta admire Sanho for how maturely he handled today’s interaction. Was kinda expecting him to just lash out or give in to Tak without properly addressing the problem.

Also, I think we can all agree the Tak is the dumbest one here. 10 years of pining after someone, wanting and having sex with them only to still claim you despise them??

OldXianStan created a topic of Afterglow

Feel like, after this, Tenjun may start keeping his distance at the realisation of the difference in nature of his and Higuchi’s lives. Especially with that ‘your hands save people whereas mine don’t’ line Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

I was expecting Nishi to look quite different after he returned to his original body but instead he just looks like Youzou’s brother ( ̄∇ ̄")

OldXianStan created a topic of My Secret Stalker

That co-worker of his is a machine. He does overtime with MC, cleans and cooks for MC, goes home and supposedly does the same for himself and then somehow still appears at work looking perfect?? Forget him being the stalker, I’m starting to wonder if he’s even human at all…

Good art and a plot with substance? Part of me is lowkey dreading that it might just go downhill from here

OldXianStan created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Now Tak wants to bitch about how hurt he is when all of this crap is literally because he refuses to acknowledge his own feelings and instead just wants to use Sanho like the depraved bastard he is. Also, Sanho better wise up because no way should he forgive Tak without making him grovel and repent first.

Expecting the paparazzi doesn’t make them any less annoying in these stories