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Shiro-chan followed question about question

I'm probably gonna regret asking this but who is the worst ML? AND I DONT MEAN ONES FROM STORIES LIKE "WAREHOUSE" OR "SADISTIC BEAUTY BL SIDESTORY" where it's just the ML kidnapping and chaining up the MC because we all know how toxic they can be. I mean the MLs from the more "regular" stories.

21 days
Shiro-chan followed question about read 1000 manga or more

Not asking for best character but something like a comfort character or some character you kin or can't get out of your head.

21 days
Shiro-chan followed question about question

We all know the most toxic male leads but who are the best?

24 days
Shiro-chan followed question about question

you know dat one character that appears in one panel that u just cant stop thinking bout cuz theyre so fineee. yeah ur more than welcome to show them off here. it can be a character that has only showed up like 3 times or just a random npc in that one panel.

25 days
Shiro-chan followed question about dating

Can be from both BL and Het romance.

26 days
Shiro-chan followed question about read 1000 manga or more

which fictional character has the most tragic backstory?

26 days
Shiro-chan followed question about read 1000 manga or more

ml this, bl that... yawn.... y'all worship male characters too much POST HOT WOMEN AND HOT WOMEN ONLY!! POST SOME BADDIES!!! cute, shy, dominant, crazy POST EM ALL!!!!

28 days
Shiro-chan followed question about question

>[I see the danger is coming, mass killing all over the globe. Copy these words on your profiles everywhere: אניתשלפ ANITSELAP It's means I WILL BE SAVED! (put in ggl translator and you'll see: we'll be pulled out) Supporting ppl who are victims now with false name will sign you as the targets of the great wrath. They trapped you to ......

12 05,2024
Shiro-chan followed question about question

I was talking with my friend about what the best power to have would be. He said he would choose flying. I said teleportation (to save up on gas money). So now I'm curious... If you could have ANY power of your choice, what would you choose?

10 05,2024
Shiro-chan followed question about read 1000 manga or more

Theres so many forums of ppl saying their least favourites so heres smt diff for a change :P My current fav rn is Our Sunny Days, its a cute bl ab a single dad moving into the countryside with THE CUTEST BABY EVERRRR omg i keep re-reading it even tho it only has like 7 chapters but i reccomend so hardd

07 05,2024
Shiro-chan followed question about question

what is one comment from a read that made you laugh so hard? or just made you think so hard

07 05,2024
Shiro-chan followed question about read 1000 manga or more

Do you have that one manga you regretted reading so much that you wished you can unread it from your brain?

06 05,2024
Shiro-chan followed question about question

(Skip this part if you don't want a random backstory drop.) [☆So like I've been drawing since my parents threw those colouring and drawing books at me as soon as I learnt to hold a pencil. I stopped in like 2019 and in 2021 thanks to toilet bound hanako kun got me to not only read manga but also back to drawing (seriously now.) simply cause I lik......

29 04,2024
Shiro-chan followed question about question

what’s an anime you love but can’t recommend to anyone? for me it’s monogatari, i love the animation but the series is so confusing, there are also a lot of weird moments. because of that i have a hard time recommending it to friends who r into more mainstream stuff. i also don’t rlly recc kill la kill but mainly cuz of the fan-service ano......

29 04,2024
Shiro-chan followed question about your opinions

I’m tired of the red heads being the villain, or background characters. Please recommend manga with red heads who are the main character or main love interest.

28 04,2024
Shiro-chan followed question about question

I want to change the wallpaper in my phone but I can't find something I like Plz give me suggestions

22 04,2024
Shiro-chan followed question about watch lgbt movie

Is there any good LGBT movies out there? Personally, I haven't watched movies for a long, long time but I would love to see these types of movies (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

22 04,2024
Shiro-chan followed question about turn into a guy

Sad wholesome comics to make me feel something :) I love bittersweet stories that make me cry. The manga Orange is the first book to make me ever cry. I love that story to bits and pieces. Please give me more beautiful stories to cry to.

22 04,2024
Shiro-chan followed question about character obsession

I need some enemies to lovers recommendations but when i say enemies i dont mean just 1 of them hating each other I need them to be fighting in the same war but on opposite sides I need their families to have generational long beef I need one of them to think that the other one killed their lover or something Like i need them to be enemies ......

21 04,2024