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SpiltTea created a topic of Profundis

Trying to make him seem cute like I don’t hate that rat the most out of all of them

SpiltTea created a topic of 1 to 10

He’s my man ima stick beside all yall switching up

SpiltTea created a topic of Fever
SpiltTea created a topic of My Secret Stalker

All that work because bro wants to eat ass!

SpiltTea created a topic of High Clear

Why don’t you say that a little louder I don’t think everyone heard

SpiltTea created a topic of Guiding Hazard

I didn’t expect him to be on his hands and knees sucking his thing. We need to see more tops following this example

SpiltTea created a topic of Sketch

Still makes me uncomfy that they’re all wearing the same color top

SpiltTea created a topic of Stranger in the Mirror

Yess I’ve been waiting for proper translation

SpiltTea created a topic of Profundis

I literally don’t give a shit about any of the Espers that are using the MC. They can all eat my ass

SpiltTea created a topic of Backlight

Side note: They’re both hot asf

SpiltTea created a topic of Instant Family

My eyes are rolling into my ass. Just be open with your feelings omg?! And didn’t he tell u the whole lore of him being manipulated as a child

SpiltTea created a topic of Sketch

Random shit keeps happening what is this random trauma around taking pictures when he’s been rlly confident about it this whole time. And Yikyung last chapter randomly tweaking out when he was told he had an interview, I feel like sometimes I’m missing stuff with this manhwa

SpiltTea created a topic of Guiding Hazard
SpiltTea created a topic of Nerd Project

All that hatred and jealousy giving his bitch ass premature wrinkles, bro looks older than his mother

SpiltTea created a topic of Jueun

The bottom has basically been brainwashed

SpiltTea created a topic of Cherry Doll Scandal

Why do I kinda like both characters, they’re both idiots in their own right

SpiltTea created a topic of Sketch

Ok but like I’m confused.. why was yikyung tweaking

SpiltTea created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon