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Tuna followed a list

some good ass and potentially good ass isekai, reincarnation, hist, and general fantasy shoujo shiiiiiiiiiiit. mix of webtoons and mango. get ready for spoilers in my descriptions. read at your own risk. THE SEQUEL (because 200 list limit oof)(promos moved to their own torturesome ass list~~)
Part I:
Part III:

TY FOR THE 6K -chokes- FOLLOWS??! We're all hopeless isekai trash lol

23 days
Tuna answered question about question
People who breathe loudly and snore. It drives me insane especially at night when it's quiet and all I can hear is heavy breathing and snoring
Tuna created a topic of Define The Relationship

Does anyone have the raws? My balls are are about to burst at this rate