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shiori February 1, 2021 10:44 am

I know yall thrive on drama and foolishness in other media but you’ll drop a whole series because one character cheats? LOL, yeah yall are goofy

    2147an February 1, 2021 12:06 pm

    not you tolerating cheating LOL, all fun and games till you experience that yourself, you are the one goofy, dude

    ikonik07 February 1, 2021 2:09 pm
    not you tolerating cheating LOL, all fun and games till you experience that yourself, you are the one goofy, dude 2147an

    do you really think of cheating that lightly, you know it's easy to heal a broken heart. Cheating was never right he has a wife that's obvi adultery wtf the wife is so kind hearted ┗( T﹏T )┛

    ハイビスカス February 2, 2021 2:34 pm

    accidentally liked, I want to dislike. oh well

    shiori February 2, 2021 6:07 pm
    not you tolerating cheating LOL, all fun and games till you experience that yourself, you are the one goofy, dude 2147an

    Has nothing to do with tolerating it or not, I have been cheated on, and judging a whole series for the actions of a character that’s not even the main character is a bit ridiculous. Yall will be chill with straight up murder in series but drop another over cheating? Yeah, goofy

    shiori February 2, 2021 6:16 pm
    Has nothing to do with tolerating it or not, I have been cheated on, and judging a whole series for the actions of a character that’s not even the main character is a bit ridiculous. Yall will be chill with s... shiori

    Like yeah it’s awful and not a good situation, but would I drop a whole series over it? No, lol. Not every character has to be golden and likeable. People irl are certainly not, so why criticize a story for having realistic characters?

    2147an February 2, 2021 11:48 pm
    do you really think of cheating that lightly, you know it's easy to heal a broken heart. Cheating was never right he has a wife that's obvi adultery wtf the wife is so kind hearted ┗( T﹏T )┛ ikonik07

    for real lmao, it's not realistic lol if it was realistic the mother would have left the family making the mc abandoned, not only she let them stay she even let the maid continue working for them knowing that his husband and her maid will continue their affair

    2147an February 2, 2021 11:58 pm
    Like yeah it’s awful and not a good situation, but would I drop a whole series over it? No, lol. Not every character has to be golden and likeable. People irl are certainly not, so why criticize a story for h... shiori

    realistic you say? so it's realistic letting your husband continue his affair, mc being a pervert AND literally being borderline p3dophile?

    2147an February 3, 2021 12:00 am
    do you really think of cheating that lightly, you know it's easy to heal a broken heart. Cheating was never right he has a wife that's obvi adultery wtf the wife is so kind hearted ┗( T﹏T )┛ ikonik07

    I was not the who think cheating is light why you reply to me lol shiori was the one

    sunlight February 3, 2021 2:55 am
    I was not the who think cheating is light why you reply to me lol shiori was the one 2147an

    lol sorry, I'm not talking abt u

    2147an February 3, 2021 4:18 am
    lol sorry, I'm not talking abt u sunlight

    it's all good just wanted to clear things up ⊂(´・◡・

    EatMyNut69 February 3, 2021 5:46 pm

    Dude. I don't give a shit about the cheating. I dropped it because WHAT HAPPENED AFTER. Dear lord help me. First most the Mc really out here not giving a shit what his father has done. Mc really out here not giving a fuck what his mother is going through. HE a 30+ year old man asked his mother to stay FOR HIM and while doing it he basically asked his mother to tolerate the husband's bullshit. Second, the father gave not 1 but 0 fucks about what he have done. Imagine your husband casually says "It's mine". The fuck? The fact they made his daughter into a maid... God slaughter me now. They kept the maid that the father basically had an affair with. Who says he won't stop thinking about what hole he gets to put it in? The only character I feel sympathy for is the mother and the Mcs wives. If only they knew what the fuck they're marrying too is really heartbreaking. They really robbed me I thought this Mc gonna be a bad ass. Becoming a better person. Become Op. After he becomes the best man he could be he'll marry whatever women he wants. I certainly didn't expect him to groom children already but oh well

    ハイビスカス February 3, 2021 7:45 pm
    Dude. I don't give a shit about the cheating. I dropped it because WHAT HAPPENED AFTER. Dear lord help me. First most the Mc really out here not giving a shit what his father has done. Mc really out here not gi... EatMyNut69

    I feel bad for the mom and knowing that the mc will have a wife who will go through shit, bc the creators have no morals, that’s just too sad. I thought Rudy would get a harem and women would be spared from legally being bind to a trash family, thanks for the warning. Watching how they handled the situation made me lose all hope for the show and realize that Rudy will never be a good enough isekai protagonist.
    Shit like that happens but should never be handled like this. Never.

    ハイビスカス February 3, 2021 8:14 pm
    Has nothing to do with tolerating it or not, I have been cheated on, and judging a whole series for the actions of a character that’s not even the main character is a bit ridiculous. Yall will be chill with s... shiori

    I’m sorry that happened to you. I think it’s a good thing people react disgusted to cheaters, but dropping it for only that is too much, literally every josei manga has cheating which make them less enjoyable. But people drop this one not bc of cheating or the other shit, but bc of how the creators fucked up and most likely they will continue f up. Just know that only fans like u will be left, bc most are gonna drop.

    EatMyNut69 February 3, 2021 8:29 pm
    I’m sorry that happened to you. I think it’s a good thing people react disgusted to cheaters, but dropping it for only that is too much, literally every josei manga has cheating which make them less enjoyab... ハイビスカス

    Yes. Exactly. Shit like cheating,death, murder it's natural but what comes after it how it's handled how it's portrayed. How the get into the depth of each character and how the development goes from there. That's what we want to see. Not some flat "Hey, mommy. I will get two new cute siblings. So please stay and be happy" the fuck is this bullshit. Yes I read all 68 chapters it's really boring I just kept going because people guaranteed it'll get better. It was legit ballsacks. There were like two occasions that intrigued me but and even that ended in a shitty way. I just don't get the hype

    2147an February 4, 2021 6:56 am
    I’m sorry that happened to you. I think it’s a good thing people react disgusted to cheaters, but dropping it for only that is too much, literally every josei manga has cheating which make them less enjoyab... ハイビスカス


    shiori February 4, 2021 10:42 pm
    Yes. Exactly. Shit like cheating,death, murder it's natural but what comes after it how it's handled how it's portrayed. How the get into the depth of each character and how the development goes from there. Tha... EatMyNut69

    I’m only talking about this specific situation in the story. If you have your own opinion about what happens after, then you’re 100% entitled to that. What I think is too much is dropping a title for such a reason without continuing to read it and forming your own opinion of it without interference of others - unlike what a lot of people in these comments are doing. A lot of these people watched the first 4 eps of the anime, and then came here to complain about it instead of reading the manga or web/light novels to see what else happens for themselves. It’s unfair to say that certain feelings weren’t expressed by characters because only so much dialogue can fit on a manga page/ in a manga chapter - much less a 23 minute episode. Also keep in mind that the manga is NOT the main source material. The manga is based on the web and light novels - which have far more development into the characters and story than what is available in the manga posted on this site. What you see in the manga right now, is a fraction of what has happened in the story. The reason I even made the original post in the first place was to call out the people who were doing this because they’re basically forming shallow and incomplete opinions of the story, which isn’t fair when they only know so little - and then acting like they know the whole story when they don’t.

    shiori February 4, 2021 11:53 pm
    I’m sorry that happened to you. I think it’s a good thing people react disgusted to cheaters, but dropping it for only that is too much, literally every josei manga has cheating which make them less enjoyab... ハイビスカス

    Thank you, and I also agree that it’s a good thing to react negatively to cheating, but the degree of it I am seeing in the comments is way too much. I absolutely frown on cheating as well, it’s not at all acceptable. But as far as cheating being portrayed in any sort of modern media with drama elements, not just josei manga or manga as a whole, but things like tv shows, movies, and other books as well - the reason it’s less enjoyable to watch characters do it is because it’s relatable. Of course viewers are going to dislike the characters who cheat, but most of the time when it happens in a marriage/familial setting the young children who are involved aren’t capable of comprehending what’s happening- but that’s not the case for Mushoku Tensei. Unlike the real world, the characters in this story don’t have equal conditions of things like divorce or joint custody and instead constantly struggle to survive in a world of magic and monsters. But like the real world, it’s not a stretch for a mother of a young child with a child on the way to put the well being of her children ahead of her feelings and stay in a marriage if she doesn’t have any other option or out, or simply because she doesn’t want to leave the marriage and wants to find a way to make things work instead. That’s realistic and humanizing for Zenith as a character. It’s also humanizing to make your husband take responsibility for a woman you believe he took advantage of instead of sending that woman and her unborn child to their deaths in the middle of winter. Rudeus knew this was a potential outcome for Lilia and her unborn child, so why would he act in a way that would secure their deaths? Zenith doesn’t just allow Lilia to stay and for the situation to continue, she makes Paul take Lilia as his second wife to take responsibility for her pregnancy, but makes it clear she will not tolerate a romantic relationship between them to continue. The setting of Mushoku Tensei takes place in a world where polygamist marriages are common, unlike the real world. The situation presented is a real world issue, but it can’t be solved with real and modern world solutions - which is what many readers seem to have been expecting. I suggest you read the story for yourself in whatever format you would prefer (web novel, light novel, manga) and form an opinion for yourself instead of relying on comments to create an opinion for you. Your previous comments imply you haven’t done so. The novels have more dialogue so you wouldn’t have to try and guess how characters feel like some people are doing due to condensed info being conveyed in the manga. The characters are by no means perfect, and are all flawed like real people. If all characters were perfect they wouldn’t have a story to tell viewers of their growth along the journey.

    ハイビスカス February 5, 2021 1:00 am

    Lilia staying was the only right choice, I’m still mad about how the creators made her cry and then showed her naked ass. I’d wouldn’t have dropped it if Zenith had cried and if Rudy had thought more about his family, but I expected too much. This made it clear that the story is about isekai and Rudy’s adventure and sadly not about Rudy becoming a better person (which is definitely needed).
    The creators simping for the mistress made me scared shitless that she will end up in Rudy’s harem or be his main b, thankfully that’s not the case, instead poor half sibling life.
    Ignoring the bad things is not that hard, but there are enough light novels where I don’t have to do that. Looks like the story will continue being good, but the creators will also continue working hard to show how bad of a person someone can be and f up everything.
    Continue reading it will just put me in a bad mood, so I’m leaving with the option of picking it up if there’s no other isekai i wanna read. Convincing me otherwise will be hard, especially with creators like this who just weren’t raised right.
    It was nice talking to you, i got to know that the good things about the story will continue being good, good for you that the animation is insanely good.
    I would rather talk about other works than this one preferably from another author.
    Have a good day and just ignore the criticism.

    uraveragedegenerate February 6, 2021 8:29 am
    Thank you, and I also agree that it’s a good thing to react negatively to cheating, but the degree of it I am seeing in the comments is way too much. I absolutely frown on cheating as well, it’s not at all ... shiori

    Na I mean the cheating isn't what made me drop it, I would still read a manga if a character cheated. But the story is just kinda weird in general. Idk if your a girl or not but it's sad to see a husband cheat but it's even worse for your kid to kinda dismiss it. Although, I do think they're lowkey desensitized from this stuff cuz the world is polygamous. It's just really hard for the viewers to relate bc the world and its social customs are so different. Honestly, I think the manga is absolute garbage but it's not like I gave an effort to empathize with the characters or look deeper into the story, the mc is just kinda too explicitly horny for my taste.

    EatMyNut69 February 6, 2021 8:49 am
    Na I mean the cheating isn't what made me drop it, I would still read a manga if a character cheated. But the story is just kinda weird in general. Idk if your a girl or not but it's sad to see a husband cheat ... uraveragedegenerate

    This is what I can agree on. The manga focuses too much on pedophilia and how horny the mc is. You don't even see a lot of the magic and fantasy that would a lot would like too see but meh

    mephistopheles February 12, 2021 4:59 am
    not you tolerating cheating LOL, all fun and games till you experience that yourself, you are the one goofy, dude 2147an

    its a fucking story grow up. my dad cheated on my mom. fucked up my childhood with depression yada yada. do I quit a story because a father cheats in it? no. cuz its a story not reality. don't mix up the two.

shiori December 12, 2020 6:53 am

I read this entire series today... the couple is just too sweet for words to describe

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