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Min.BonBon October 18, 2020 4:50 pm

I read this a while ago. It’s a high school romance and I remember one scene where one of them (the uke if I’m not wrong) confesses their love to the seme but then plays it off as a joke but the seme can’t stop thinking about it. Thanks for all of your answers!

Min.BonBon August 13, 2020 5:04 pm

Hello!! I don't know why but I suddenly got reminded of a very good yaoi/shounen ai I read some time ago. I vaguely remember the plot and I specifically remember one scene so I hope you guys can help me find it again!!

So it's one of those mangas where the uke is first in love with someone else but the story is narrated from the pov of the other seme. If I am not wrong the seme is a friend of the straight guy and knows the uke has a crush for his friend but doesn't mind it because his feeling are very pure. Instead he is jelous of the straight guy and envious of the feelings the uke has for him.

I remember this scene: The three of them are studying and the straight guy falls asleep while seated (tired during studying). The seme has to get up to do something and when he comes back he sees the uke gently touching the fingers of the straight guy and that's when he basically say that he can't hate the uke because his feelings are so pure.

PLS if you guys actually find this yaoi/shounen ai i will forever be grateful (≧∀≦)

    Min.BonBon August 13, 2020 5:18 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! wassupbee

    I haven’t read that one yet so it’s not the one but!!! A new shounen ai to read!!! Thanks a lot!

    Min.BonBon August 13, 2020 8:21 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! gwah

    It’s not that it was a normal manga not a manhwa/webtoon :(

Min.BonBon March 24, 2019 9:42 pm

UPDATE: FOUND IT! Look at replies for title <3
So basically I read this yaoi long ago where the uke gets dumped on by his boyfriend and he’s very sad and he meets the seme. At first he didn’t wanna give in to the seme but he keeps showering the uke with love so at the end he falls in love with the seme

But twist the seme is a playboy and he was playing with the uke all along. I remember a scene where the uke is waiting for the seme on his porch and he sees him coming back with another man and he understands then that he was being toyed with

    CameHereforTheFluff March 24, 2019 9:33 pm

    Sorry ff

    Succulents March 24, 2019 9:35 pm


    littlebirdy March 24, 2019 9:36 pm

    i need to start putting things in my READ LIST but i think this is it

    Min.BonBon March 24, 2019 9:41 pm
    i need to start putting things in my READ LIST but i think this is it littlebirdy

    YES YES YES THIS IS IT OMG THANK YOU SO SO MUCH T-T yeah I need to take on that habit too and make a comment with the plot of it BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH DJDKGJ

    littlebirdy March 24, 2019 9:45 pm
    YES YES YES THIS IS IT OMG THANK YOU SO SO MUCH T-T yeah I need to take on that habit too and make a comment with the plot of it BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH DJDKGJ Min.BonBon

    no probs dear enjoy its real nice story...cheers

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