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GrapeKiwi's feed

So, I have a few theories. They aren't spoilers because they are theories, but the comments may contain possible spoilers.

1. Hana and Miko both come from priestess bloodlines. Miko's ability to see the ghastly figures so clearly and Hana with the ability to purify them. I think they'll work together on exorcisms when Hana learns about her power.

2. The "middle aged" man that Romm said isn't really a random middle aged man ghost may appear that way to Miko because he's currently a low threat level. It looks like he's getting closer to hernamd he may change to what Romm sees when he does. But that makes me wonder something else...

3. What if Miko's ability came from her father? I was between Romm:s response about the picture, the man also showing up in the dad's picture, and how ghost dad is oddly comfortable with a monstrous looking spirit got me thinking about it.