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Didnotanswer May 5, 2021 5:06 pm

It's actually sooo cute but WHY CHINESE WEBTOONS ARE SO DAMN LONG

Didnotanswer February 19, 2021 8:14 am

I feel sad for Jonggu okay but actually Master didn't do anything wrong he liked the red head guy so why yall blaming him. In the last chapter Jonggu actually forced himself on him but when I read the comments everybody saying "omg master is so bad my jonggu doesn't deserve it" he really does not but if master does not like jonggu it doesn't mean he is a bad person he just doesnt like him in a romantic way

    aelanires February 19, 2021 9:28 am

    I don’t think he did anything wrong but it is sad to think of how he didn’t really consider that Jonggu had feelings other than just wanting to serve him and refused to consider him as anything other than a dog. Jonggu absolutely should not have done what he did there is no excuse I am not defending him don’t come for me I just think he’s in a tough situation and master isn’t exactly helping

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Didnotanswer April 20, 2021 8:43 pm

Once I've read a manga about a secretary and his junior (idk how to say that but well...)

It was yaoi ofc and the seme was dark haired and the uke was bright haired

One of them thought they were sex partners
And later one of them changed company and the other one felt sick, and lost so much weight and that was sad one

Ok sorry for my bad England ik I couldn't explain but...
If that explanation gave u some resemblance to any manga you've read pls comment thank u guys so much ♡♡

Didnotanswer April 4, 2021 9:29 pm

Hello I'm here again to ask about a manga I've read.
It was yaoi and there was a black haired teacher and a p.e teacher, p.e teacher was seme and that's all I remember...

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