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Daiichi created a topic of Swapping

Seriously they need to work on their angry issues... ( ̄へ ̄)

Daiichi created a topic of He + He

Being in a abusive relationship myself, I can say its hard to break up from the mental and emotional struggle BUT once you can see how bad it is, it's your choice (in this case) to stay.

Daiichi like topic of Semantic Error

I know we all hate misunderstandings and all but when it's our turn to be emotionally invested a lot things are left unsaid and we jump to conclusions too quickly for our own good. A lot of couple that are in love but lack communication skills or are too afraid to deal with their emotions end up getting separated ways... It's a sad but very common.
I'm glad this not a real life story

Daiichi created a topic of Semantic Error

I know we all hate misunderstandings and all but when it's our turn to be emotionally invested a lot things are left unsaid and we jump to conclusions too quickly for our own good. A lot of couple that are in love but lack communication skills or are too afraid to deal with their emotions end up getting separated ways... It's a sad but very common.
I'm glad this not a real life story