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Marpter created a topic of Therapy Game Restart

Minato never disapoints. He is absolutely right here. Shizuma deserves to not be off the hook and I like Minato is not being a drama queen but also not ignoring everything.
Minato has been very supportive and that was a lot of growth for him. Even without his bagage that situation is very ify and deserves explanations even if no question is asked. Sure, it would be nice if he asked questions and prompted a conversation about it but needing space to put your thoughts in order is very valid. No harsh decision was made as well, so i'm proud of him

Marpter created a topic of Please Don't Eat Me

Zahid, I know you are not in your right mind... I mean, you were never in your right mind to begin with but I know you are somewhat worse... Still, why the heck is the pope still alive?! One doesn't kill the royal family and leave the other enemy be alive in peace to plot against you!!!

Marpter created a topic of Instant Family

ML's dad needs to be put down and the cousin needs to rot in jail.
The more I read the more those ideas gain strength. Even if it was by the ML's hands (and we don't know if it was) it's that bastard of a "father" doing. How dare he cause MC's family ruin? How dare he let his whatever relationship they had do that to their own son? And how dare he treat his own son that way? 18 years too late already to be put down but he is a rabid vermin who needs to be put down

But if he doesn't feel any pheromones being a single omega (bonds usually break after death in these stories) he really needs a full check-up.
Also... He is in for a ride when he gets his first heat lol

Marpter created a topic of Love Me Doctor!

I nerd more of the side couple!!!

Also, I forgot his name but he was called the Doc's bitch. I would like to know if he is well. I had hopes he would get together with the professor but... Since he doesn't believe in love it would be tragic all over again for him. So I hope he gets someone nice. I like him.

Also, who was that random guy the had a 3some with?

Marpter created a topic of Please Don't Eat Me

Zahir developed a new fetish while Ertha mas gone. Compared with cannibalism, I'm going to say it's an upgrade.

Zahir: +1lvl up!
New skill unlooked: Foot/heels fetish

Why did I get a notification when there's nothing here? lol
I would understand a chapter correction or a notice but there's nothing new here at all

Marpter created a topic of Monster Girl Plant Diary

This is actualy really good!! What a great surprise

Marpter created a topic of Full volume

You play your man like a fiddle and have the guts to say you are selfconscious about your body? lol

Marpter recommended a list

Good selection of domverse

Marpter created a topic of Kocchi Muite Glare

I can't wait for more translations!
And thank you to the one who shared the raws!!!

Marpter like topic of Kocchi Muite Glare

Heyo, Im just sharing links to the Jp raws. Purchased by me; from
In case anyone wanted to buy from there yourself, best way for US foreigner is Paypal, each chapter is like 4-5USD rounding up. (つ˘◡˘)づ

Anyway on the the chapters, i might update/edit this comment when newer ch. come out. Cropped to the best of my abilities and hopefully the 1st pic in each file is beg. Chapter.

Chapter 8:

Chapter 9: 06.21.2024

File that holds all the Chapter bought/will be bought:

Enjoy! If this upsets anyone or a lot of ppl ill take it down but if not it shall stay! (▰˘◡˘▰)

Edit: just to say ♡Happy to share and acknowledged the thanks♡

Edit 2: Im going to remove any chapters before 8 link to shorten the post but theyll still be available in the group link.

Marpter created a topic of How To Survive As A Player

Based on everything we have seem so far, i'm going to guess giving someone your feather is the ultimate "I love you" for a celestial or it has some become a slave for that person meaning. If any of those is correct, the Duke's reaction makes perfect sense.

Marpter created a topic of May I Help You?

Wasn't she supposed to know how to invest? No one in their right mind invests everything in a single thing. That's not just very risky, it's reckless! Wait, reckless is basically her personality so that's on track, I guess
So, I guess she is poor now. Poor but has her living expenses covered and has very expensive sexual parts for an loaned "toy"...


I'm so disapointed with Shaia. He used to be such a nice kid... So gentle and sweet T-T
At least he decided to not be part of a love triangle with his brother. I wonder if he has realised yet that Beryl actually loved his husband.

Marpter created a topic of Did It Work

Boss has a really good anti-cheating radar there lol

It's very unconfortable how she keeps naming her children numbers. An is the wrong speling but same prononciation as un, which is one in French. Deux is two... And so on...

Marpter created a topic of Please Don't Eat Me

She totaly lost her marbles.

Destroy the castle, Ark! Destroy that guy and his minions!
And if possible, evacuate the innocent people before that

...aren't their parents the same? The family violence motive made no sense -.-
I mean, it never makes sense but this was especially confusing because they tried to give a non-sense reason.