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CabbagePanda created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I can't trust this author I keep thinking they're gonna kill off candy for "character development"

CabbagePanda created a topic of Hitori H Online

What is this behavior... big decision like quitting work and NOT talking to your very significant partner???

CabbagePanda answered question about question
Lol look who didn't learn from the hundred other discord failures (certified hater)
CabbagePanda answered question about have an unpopular opinion
Me when the kiddos (-18) act like mgg is your friendly little chat room. At least use reddit for this goddamn

I am DEVASTATED, little mans better not die on my he's literally the best little dude

Classic turmoil of work vs love, and bro is a work junkie

Ur telling me a painting is too much to see? They would never survive the world wide web

CabbagePanda created a topic of Kiraide Isasete

Bro did NOT deserve the "omegas are weak" treatment from HIS OWN MATE GODDAMN

CabbagePanda answered question about question
It usually has to do with your internet connection, if your speeds are slow, it has a harder time loading up the pages because they're bulky images. Check your internet and see what your provider says to fix it

Really excellent work here I love how NOTHING IMPROVED and how no one ever makes a good threesome

CabbagePanda answered question about question
Oldest of the sibs here to help; remind them that you love them (if you do) and make sure to show it. You only fail them if you don't let them know they're loved (again, if you do)
CabbagePanda created a topic of Full volume

I was SO SCARED HE HAD IT ON SPEAKERPHONE, I was about to shut off my phone for good right then and there

CabbagePanda created a topic of Dear Sir / My Ahjussi

That's kinda fucked up idk how to feel about this one

CabbagePanda created a topic of Guiding Hazard

Take a look at this bitch who just showed up (idek if he actually is)

CabbagePanda created a topic of Waterside Night

Get that deadbeat, get ALL the deadbeat fathers cause ik there's still one scurrying around

CabbagePanda answered question about question
Report it, ignore it, and get off of social media. If it escalates from there, get authorities involved. No offense but it sounds like you and your sister have either A. Not been taught a lick of internet safety or B. Ignored lessons on internet safety. This is why you make your accounts private and only remain in contact with people you actually k......
CabbagePanda created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Bro really said "I'll fkn do it myself then" and takes the throne (probably)

CabbagePanda answered question about question
Did, did you stick ur schlong in the garbage disposal? Tf you tryna be soulful about?
CabbagePanda answered question about question