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Bananas created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

I know it’s toxic, and a little stupid, and the translation is wonky, but gosh darn it I still like it.

Bananas created a topic of The Alpha's Circumstances

And now they’re both cheating. Just break up already.

Bananas created a topic of Lost in the Cloud
Bananas created a topic of Stranger in the Mirror

I know enough about this to know this won’t happen, but i would LOVE if the droid was the top. He just has such “top energy”

Bananas created a topic of Profundis

It’s actually starting to get scary

I swear, the way the artist draws makes everything look so much more cringe than it should be

Bananas created a topic of Guilty Affection

I have no idea what’s going on because they all have the same face

Bananas created a topic of Eternal Covenant

To think he would fall for Brian so hard after being this snarky.

Bananas created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

I want to punch him the face…

Bananas created a topic of Unfinished Business

I wonder what almost killed him? What kind of orphanage was that? I mean, really. Wth?

Bananas created a topic of Bloody Taboo

Oh, I remember this one. It starts out with beautiful art and interesting plot. Then BOOM, art styles changes, gets really bad, and the plot becomes stupid. I still think of this story from time to time. Not the plot, but how bad the change in style was. The must have changes artist. Must have. Otherwise it’s just sad.

Bananas created a topic of Forest Sea

I’ve just reread the story through the officials and man, had I forgotten some things. The officials also explain some things a bit better, so I’m glad I’ve read them. With this spread, we will catch up on no time.
I love this story.

Bananas created a topic of Define The Relationship

Ash is a naughty, freaky boy.
Do you guys think there’ll be repercussion for this?

Bananas created a topic of Risky Vice

I just can’t wish his name though. Mr Risky must be the silliest name on a gangster I’ve seen. Takes me right out of the story every time they say it

Bananas created a topic of Turning

And now I’m a little bit angry with him, treating our Yuder like that. He’s not a toy, he’s glorious!
We’ll talk again once you get that.

Bananas created a topic of The Alpha's Circumstances

He just makes me hate him more and more and more…

Bananas created a topic of Half of Me

I’m so glad that he won’t take Andy back. He’s cute but poisonous. It’s actually nice to see bad things not just being glossed over for once.
Do we want him to find out about the USB?

… maybe it is best to keep the sister from our baby boy Cedric… She’s crazy.

Bananas created a topic of Jinx

He sucks. Why do I still want him to win?