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I actually am fine if they stick to the fantasy world, think of the beaurocracy and red tape they'd have to go through just to get him an ID lol....but suddenly they're like "KIIIINNNNGGG" lol


I hate him. I hate ML. SO MUCH.

JoJo me, good

Is "JoJo me, good" a cry for help? Blink twice if you need help

Chinchi created a topic of Company and Private Life

I've met plenty of people in life who are androgynous enough in voice in physiques that I can't tell the difference and then if they dress in a masc or fem presenting way it's easy to assume. Or if they dress in just casual clothes with no identifiers than it's hard :D in this comic one is fem presenting but the other is fairly androgynous sooo I get it xD lol can't wait for more they're both adorable

Where'd the polar bear come from. And where did it go

Chinchi created a topic of Bartender À Paris

Why'd they repost chapter 15 though 26....

Chinchi created a topic of Obey Me so lost. She killed herself. Then he's bringing her her mom in academy city. It says they struck a deal? But wtf happened? Did I miss something or is it a time skip of some kind? I am confusion.

Chinchi created a topic of Potion Witch

She is kind of dumb if the weight of a FERRET can open up your secret lab.

Chinchi created a topic of The Duke's 99th Bride

... That's it? Just because some characters died didn't mean you had to kill the plot too.

Seriously why is this a thing? Does there need to be an assault scene everywhere? REALLY.